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lmao, cringe smutt. 

"fuck me."

jacob smirks as he steps towards me until i'm up against a wall. "you want me to fuck you? i don't know if you've had enough yet, do you deserve to be fucked by daddy?" 

i nod my head furiously. "yes daddy, i deserve to be fucked by you." 

he leans into my neck and starts to kiss it softly. "i could just fuck you right here, is that what you want. do you want everyone to hear how your daddy pleases you?"

as he said that he cupped my hardening member as he began to suck on my neck. if i'm being completely honest i want whatever is going to get me fucked faster and if that is 'being fucked in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant' then that's what its going to be. 

"yes." i say breathlessly. 

jacob pulls away. "you're going to have to be quiet pet, couldn't let anyone hear you be the little slut you are."

i moan, "okay daddy." 

jacob goes over and locks the door to the bathroom and comes back over to me and kisses me from my neck down, stopping every once in awhile to suck and bite on my neck. i tried my best not to moan but all of this felt so good i couldn't help myself but to do so. 

"quiet pet, wouldn't want to get caught would you." jacob says in between kisses. 

"no sir."

"good boy," jacob says. "now turn around." 

i do as i'm told, placing my hands on either side of me as jacob grinds down on my ass. i bit my lip holding back a moan a he takes off my pants and lets them pool around my ankles. 

"daddy please, please touch me." i whine. 

jacob chuckles darkly. "since you asked so nicely." 

his hand comes around and loosely grabs my already hard member, stroking it slowly as he continues to grind down on me. i bit back a moan as he picks up the pace, not just when he's stroking me but also when he's grinding against my ass. 

soon after i felt him stop grinding on my ass and i  hear him fumble with his belt, next thing i know his pants were down pooling around his ankles. i felt something, something that i wanted for awhile, press against my hole. 

"is this what you want... slut."

i whimper at what he calls me and nod my head furiously. "yes daddy, yes please." i say in a loud whisper. 

i could feel jacob smirk as he jerks his hips forward pushing all of  himself into me. i moan loudly as the pleasure rushes through my body. he pulls all the way out again and snaps his hips forward, repeating this a few more times. 

"such a pretty boy," jacob says. "whose pretty boy are you."

"y-yours daddy. i'm your pretty boy." i say. 

after i said that he began to pick up the pace and went back to jerking me off, only this time he was doing it faster than the pace he was fucking me at. there was probably a line outside the bathroom but neither of us cared we were both in the moment. 

i could slowly feel myself coming to my climax and right at that point jacob was hitting my prostate straight on and it took everything in me not to scream. 

"da- fuck. i'm going to cum."

he slaps my ass, hard. "not yet pet, no cumming without my permission." he says and instead of moving his hand back onto my hip he slips on into my hole next to his pulsating dick. 

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now