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"i have a daddy kink."

after i said that i knew that there was no going back into the rabbit hole i tried so hard to stay in. jacob stepped back a smirk was plastered across his face. i eventually was going to tell him about my kink but i guess the time came sooner than i thought. 

"see..." he says. "that wasn't so hard."

maybe, but now somethings hard.

he leans towards me again and brings his lips up to my ear. "i think you and i should have a more private chat now, huh."

not trusting the stability of my voice i simply nod my head. he steps back and leaves the bathroom, giving me a few minutes to put myself together. i can't believe that just happended, and i have to walk back i front of people with a semi- hard dick.

cheeky little shit. 

i sigh run my hand through my hair and head out of the bathroom. nobody really noticed that me nd jacob both went to and left the bathroom together, other than hunter and ben, both were now on the runway. they both noticed me leaving and ben threw me a wink as hunter just glared at me.

"troye," said daniel, the guy running our rehearsal. "where are you going."

"mr. bixenman wanted to see me." i say. 

daniel just waved me off and went back to watching the models. out of everyone in this building that i have met so far i think daniel hates jacob the most, which is very confusing because if you hate the guy so much, why do you work for him?

you gotta do what you gotta do i guess?

i finally made it to the jacob's door without running into zoey, i would not want to explain the slight hard on that i have and why i'm not in dress rehearsal and why i'm in front jacob's door.

she could probably piece the two together but she'd still probably ask me to see if i'd lie, and i would.

"jacob?" i say opening the door slightly.

"come in." he says. 

i open the door and see jacob leaned up against he desk with his arms crossed in front of him. i haven't been this nervous to be around him since the first time i came here.

"you and i," he says pushing himself off the desk. "have a lot to discus."

he starts slowly walking towards me which is starting to make me very anxious.

"w-we do?" i say.

he was right in front of me now staring me directly in my eyes, my first instinct was to look anywhere but at him but i knew he was just going to force me to look at him.

"cut the innocent act," he says. "you and i both know that underneath all of that your everything but."

i looked down and within seconds jacob put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up so that i had to look at him. he had a smirk on his face and a look that i haven't seen on him before. 

"don't start something you can't finish... kitten, now how's about you and i talk about this little... thing we have in front of us."

he walked away and sat down at his desk, basically leaving no room to negotiate my way out of this. i reluctantly sit down and start to fidget with my hands. jacob took his time with grabbing a few papers which made me more anxious than i already was and curious as to why he just has these papers lying around in his desk.

"i assume you know that these papers are?" jacob says evening out the papers. 

"y-yes." i mumble out.

he smiles. "good. obviously if you go through with this it won't be strictly sexually, i'd obviously still be your boyfriend.. this would be more of a... extension."

i take the papers look at him and then look down at the papers. how does one go from complete dom to a sexual business man in less than 10 minutes?

"o-okay..." i say. "do i have to agree now?" 

"if you know that you want this." 

i look back down at the papers. i mean... being a submissive to probably the most attractive guy in la, who wouldn't jump at the chance to be with him? i just can't help but feel like this will be a temporary thing, what if he gets bored? what if he finds someone better. 

or what if he doesn't.

fuck it.

i place the small stack of papers on the desk grab a pen from the cup on his desk and write my name along the dotted line at the bottom. jacob watches, a smirk planted on his face. i feel like i'm going to see a lot a smirks on his face after today. 

"fantastic." he says getting up and walking over to me.

i smile a little a few of my nerves finally going away. "so that's it?"

"yeah, i just have to sign but i wanna seal the deal in a different way."

i raise an eyebrow. "and how would you like to do that."

"come here and i'll show you."

i get up and jacob grabs onto my top and pulls me onto him. our lips connect and both of his hands find their way to my butt pushing me more onto him. he bites on my bottom lip which earns a moan from me and he takes that swift second to slide his tongue into my mouth. he pulls away and goes for my neck. he starts leaving kisses down from my jawline to my collar bone with an occasional bite in between, it was hard enough to get a reaction out of me but not enough to leave a mark.

"d-daddy." i moan.

he pulls away and smirks. "someone's horny."

i giggle. 

"too bad, you have a rehearsal and i have a meeting soon but," he kisses me. "we have an entire week in berlin starting sunday where i can have you all to myself."

he gives me another kiss before sending me on my way. i wave even though i'll probably see him before i head home. he laughs and returns the wave before i close the door and head back downstairs.

i think i'm going to like this. 

kinda for my usual but it's something. right? right.

summer is coming to an end for me so i won't be able to update as much as i would like to so bare with me kay? kay.

berlin next chapter v v exciting. 

that's it for me i guess??



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