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*a week later*


i managed to convince my mom to let me finish my senior year going to an actual school under one condition,

i had to have a bodyguard.

it was sawyer but i'm not completely bothered by it. he's really not that bad i just wish it was james. he was still in the hospital but according to jacob he should be out by the end of this week maybe even sooner.

but as far as sawyer goes it's not like its obvious i have a bodyguard. he's not walking besides me in a black outfit, he's wearing every day clothes and "follows" me around school.

"he's cute," kayla said taking a quick glance at him during lunch. "so he just follows you around?"

I take a quick glance too, he was looking at a magazine. "pretty much."

"what about james," hari said. "is he going to be okay?"

"yeah, he'll be out of the hospital by the end of the week at the latest."

kayla lets out a sigh as she lays her head on her hand. "i just can't believe that hunter went through all of that just because of jacob."

"and you're okay that they were a "thing"." hari says.

i shrug. "it's not like i can't do anything about it. and i'm not that perfect either, i dated a guy that ended up bullying me because he can't accept who he is."

"speaking of connor," hari says. "i think he was worried about you when word got out about what happened."

i raise an eyebrow. "really?"

kayla nods her head. "yeah, she said. "he kept asking us about you, we told him we have't talked to you since before you and jacob left to go to his sisters."

"huh, never thought he cared."

they both look at each of then shrug. "maybe he still likes you," hari says. "we should probably get going through hari and i have english."

"oh okay, see you guys in physics then?"

they both nod and get up. i turn back to my notebook and begin writing. jacob told me that i should take a break from modeling for a little bit so i decided to go back to working on writing songs. i have plenty of time to do so since i only have about four classes and then sawyer takes me to jacob's office. unlike most of the people at this school i have the privilege of leaving early because i have most of my school credits.

finally the bell had rang and i grabbed my things and started to head to my locker. sawyer followed within a crowd of people. i had out a few things in my locker and then took out a few things that i would need for my last class of the day.

"hey troye." connor says leaning against the locker besides me.

i look up and then i glance at hunter who was looking down in a blank notebook. "uh, hey."

"don't worry there's no need to call your bodyguard on me, it's just me the guys are doing whatever."

i close my locker, "how did you-."

connor puts his hands into his pocket. "i've seen jacob when it comes to you getting hurt, i'm just surprised it's not him himself."

i chuckle before letting out a sigh. "what do you want connor, you haven't talked to me like this since..."

connor nods his head. "...since we were together, yeah. i just wanted t see how you were doing after all of the stuff that went down with that hunter guy."

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