♡Twenty(Part 1)♡

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<jacob's pov>

i had woke up an hour before my alarm clock, which was troye so technically i woke up before troye. i had sat up in our bed and ran a hand through my hair and checked the messages on my phone. there wasn't anything important, just a 'good luck' text from my sister and a snapchat from my niece. 

after i looked through everything i possibly could i put my phone down and just stare up at the ceiling. today is the show and i'm more nervous now than i have ever been. i turn onto my side and i look at troye. 

i watch his chest rise and fall, i watch his body react to the dream he was having, i watched his soft beautiful lips twitch. he was beautiful, he was breathtaking. he was the cause of my nerves, he's the reason i'm so happy again. i won't admit this to anyone but he's my light, the light i have been looking for since my grandparents. 

which is why i'm so scared. 

i'm scared about multiple things. the party tonight, when we get back from berlin, how troye will be treated at school. there's a lot that i have to fear. i let out a sigh and turn on to my side and watch troye sleep. he was facing me now, having moved in his sleep, i smiled softly as i placed a hand on the side of his face. he stirs awake under me scrunching his face. 

his eyes flutter open and a smile creeps across his face. "hi sir." he says groggily. 

"hello, pet... have a nice sleep?" i say scooting closer towards him. 

he nodded. "i did, how long have you been up?" 

"about an hour...i have just been watching you sleep and thinking."

"thinking.... about hunter?"

i nodded. 

"can i say something," he asks and i nod. "i get it, you're scared. hell I've been scared ever since i met you. don't let hunter ruin today, you've worked very hard for this j, don't let some fuckb- dick, ruin this for you."

"you do realize that once we go back to the states everything will be different right? especially for you, i just don't want the aftermath of berlin affect you." i say.

troye smiles. "I've been humble then and i'll be humble now," he kisses me on my noes and gets up. "now get up.... we have a show to prepare for." 

<kayla's pov> 

i was looking at pictures that i saw troye posting on Instagram of his time in berlin and him and jacob when hari forcefully closed my locker. 

"we need to talk." she says. 

i roll my eyes and start to walk away from her. she sighs in frustration before jogging to catch up with me "kayla horwitz!" she says. 

i stop and turn towards her. "what, make it quick or i'm going to be late."

"i'm sorry okay," hari says. "what i said to troye was out of line and i shouldn't have said it in the first place and i shouldn't have snapped at you."

"apologize to me all you want, but you know who you really need to apologize to." i say raising an eyebrow. 

"i know...." hari said. "i plan on apologizing to troye when he gets back." 

i nod my head. "good, well i'm going to be late so i better get going."

"will i see you at lunch." 

i chuckle. "if i get to class on time without getting a detention from being late because of you, i'll see you later."

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now