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"try this on." zoella says handing me an outfit. 

this has been my life for the past two days, i'm not complaining though. 

i would come in around eight or nine in the morning, zoella would hand me different outfits to try on and then she'd hate every single one. then i would go to the basement which has a  miniature runway that the models would practice on and practice my walk. 

"you sure about this one?" i say before i make my way to the changing room. 

zoella nods her head. "i'm sur- wait. actually," she hands me another outfit. "try this."

i roll my eyes playfully and take the outfit. the top looked like some sort of armor and the botton was just tight black jeans. i put on the outfit and look at myself in the mirror. i couldn't help but admit that i look really good. 

"you done troye?" zoella calls. 

i look myself over in the mirror. "yeah, i'm done."

"well then come on out, i want to see."

i roll my eyes. in the short amount of time zoella had become on of my best friends. i walk out from the dressing room and her jaw drops open. 

she better think i look good cause i dont want to change out of this. 

"you look-."


both me and zoella turned to see jacob standing in the doorway. i blushed and zoella gave me a look, she knew about my crush on the tall american. just like hari and kayla she gushed about it saying we would be cute for each other. 

"really," zoella says. "cause i thought the pants were a little tight."

i knew where zoella was going with this. 

jacob shook his head. "they fit just right, turn around troye."

i turn around.

"mhm, everything fits just fine, i could never find a model to pull this off, you can pull this off very well troye." 

"t-thanks sir." i say after turning back around.

jacob smiles. "you're very welcome, zoella if you don't mind i'd like to talk to troye alone."

zoella nods. "no problem mr. bixenman."

as she leaves zoella throws me a wink. i am so going to get her back for this.

jacob puts his hands in his pockets. it was a few moments of silence before any of us said anything. all he did was stare directly at me, after awhile it started to become uncomfortable and i tried to look anywhere else besides at him.

"i need you to look at me troye."

i follow his directions and look up at him. "can i ask why you're staring at me like that sir?"

"because," he says. "i want you to get used to it."

he starts walking towards me slowly. "when you walk the runways of new york or paris i want you to be able to have hundreds of people look at you without you being uncomfortable."

"i've just never been exposed like this sir and your pretty intimidating."

by now jacob was standing directly in front of me. i tried to look anywhere besides in his direction because in all honesty, it was kinda scaring me.

he tilts my chin up so i am forced to look into his eyes. "you have a wonderful body troye, you should show it off," he takes a step back and smiles. "also, i'm not the man that the media portrays me as."

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now