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<jacob's pov>

"....jacob bixenman, ceo of bixenman agency, dating one of his models troye sivan. it appears that this has been going on for a while according to our source hunter clarington. a twenty-one year old dating an eighteen year old... something seems a little sketchy..." zoey reads from a magazine.

I was already expecting this from hunter the second they got back to the states and with not leaving with them at the time it was perfect for hunter to go to anyone who will listen and tell them that I've been dating him for awhile now. troye's probably already gotten a hold of the magazine, it's only a matter of time before the press follows him around and then finds where he lives.

"what are you going to do?" zoey asks me.

i sigh, "well it's only a matter of time before the press get ahold of troye... i'll have to warn troye about that. i can't do anything about the press finding out about us, honestly it was only a matter of time. i'll need you to set up a meeting with me and joey though, i need to talk to him."

zoey opens up a folder and writes down a few things. "okay, do you want me to also tell troye that you want to talk to him."

i shake my head. "no, no, i can handle that. what time is it?"

zoey checks her watch, "12:45 sir." she says.

"great," I say. "troye should be having lunch right now... i'll go and talk to him now, the sooner he knows the better, if i'm not back by my meeting have them wait... i'm sure they can make time."

zoey nods her head writing a few thing in the folder, closing it and leaving.

i then grab my phone, wallet and, keys and head down to my car so I can go and see troye before his lunch ends.

<troye pov>

i was walking by myself to lunch which was a weird feeling because I'm so used to having two people on either side of me nagging me about jacob or some drama that I pretend to be interested in.

it was a total dick move not responding to kayla when she tried countless of times to apologize; she was at least trying, hari hasn't texted me at all and i'm kinda glad she hasn't.

i spotted kayla sitting by herself at lunch and i started to make my way over there, she's probably mad at me now since i decided to not respond to any of her texts.

as i started to make my way over there connor stepped in front of me. i was going to turn around and go a different way but the rest of his gang was behind me.

"what do we have here," connor said. "jacob bixenman's bitch."

my eyes go wide, "how do you know-."

"he's not even denying it." a jock says.

connor looks back at him and chuckles before turning back to me. "haven't heard? it's all over magazine. never thought of you as a gold dig-."

"walk away."

connor looks behind him, it was kayla and hari with their hands on their hips. "you heard the girl, walk away." kayla says.

"you're actually defending him?"

hari nods. "you're goddamn right we are"

another voice speaks. "you heard the nice ladies, walk away."

it was jacob.

connor looks at the three of them and then me before nodding towards his boys as a way of telling them to back off. "this," he whispers to me. "isn't over."

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