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jacob hasn't said a word to me the entire ride back to la and honestly it's kind of scary.

he's kept his eyes on the road and his hands were gripped on the wheel so tightly i could've sworn his knuckles were turning whiter than they already were. i wanted to say something but i feel like the second i do he'd snap on me.

"i'm not mad at you troye, so don't think i am." jacob said taking a hand off the wheel and putting it on top of mine.

"where are you taking me." i said quietly.

"my first thought was either kayla or hari but im not bringing them into that."

"but jacob-."

jacob's jaw clenches. "troye, hunter is threatening your life and when it comes to your life i refuse to play around with that. i get it but they are your best friends but i am not putting them in the crossfire. am i understood."

i lower my head. "yes sir."

after a little while longer of driving jacob turns on a dimly lit street. there was a man, probably someone that worked with jacob or was associated with him. jacob pulls up next to the car and stops. he gets out, comes over to myside of the car and lets me out. 

"troye," jacob says. "this is james, he is going to make sure you stay out of harms way while i go take care of somethings."

he starts to walk back to his car before i grab his wrist. "please," i say. "please don't leave me, don't go... let me come with you."

"you will be safe with james okay," jacob says. "he is one of my most trusted guys and if something happens he will protect you just like i would if i were there." 

"but you wont." 

jacob grabs my face and places a kiss on my forehead. "i'm sorry baby."

jacob walks over to the trunk and grabs my bag of clothes that was supposed to be for isabelle's and hands it to james. he takes it and puts it in the trunk. 

"it's time mr. sivan." he says. 

jacob opens the back door for me to get in. I look up at him before hopping in the car and closing the door behind me. he watches as the james pulls off before getting in his car and driving in the other direction. 

I curl up into a ball holding the bear that jacob had gotten me while we were in berlin. it was a free day for the models and just like he had promised me he took me around to all the little shops and I saw this shop that had a bunch of stuffed animals. they were all exotic but I wanted the bear because it was cool enough that I was getting it in Germany that it didn't have to be something different.

"he's doing this because he cares you know."

i look up and notice that james was staring at me in the rearview mirror. "god i don't need another speech, i've heard enough within the last hour."

james chuckles. "don't worry you aren't going to get one even if i had one in me. jacob tends to nag a little."

i let out a giggle. "you're pretty funny."

james shrugs. "gotta do something to ease the tension, are you okay?" 

i nod and rub my eyes. "just a lil tired, where are we going."

"jacob's house," james said. "there are going o be a few other body guards there to make sure that everything is going okay... you won't even know they are there."

"what about my parents?" i said. 

"as far as they know," james says outing the car in park. "you are with jacob at his sisters, but they are people near the area in case hunter decides to go after him," he then turn to face me. "we're here."

james gets out of the car and comes over and lets me out before grabbing my bag out of the trunk. we walked up to the house and he opended the door and three other men in similar suits as james were sitting on the couch.

"mr. sivan." one of them said with a smile. 

i give a shy one in return. "hello," i look up at james. "i'm just going to go upstairs and sleep for a little, okay?" 

james smiles at me and nods. "okay."

i walk upstairs and as i do i hear james smack the guy that said hi to me in the back of the head. 

"we're supposed to protect him, not scare him." he said and i giggled. 



"jacob long time no see." a guy by the name of wes says. 

i roll my eyes and shove my hands into my pockets. "yeah, yeah whatever. you know why i'm here."

he smiles. "to speak to our boy hunter, he's been waiting for this for a long time."

i push past him and make my way though the building. it took awhile but eventually i found hunter. he was sitting on a wooden desk smoking a cigarette.

"never knew you smoke." i say. 

he pulls the nicotine stick from his lips and blows out a puff of smoke. "I've had a lot of time on my hands. when you get fired from your only job that tends to happen. "

"you did that to yourself hunter."

hunter slams his fist on the desk whilst i give give him a look. "no!" he yells before taking a deep breath. "troye did this to me, he took my life from me... my life with you."

"oh my god," i say under my breath. "is that what this is about, god hunter are you really that pathetic?"

"i loved you," hunter said getting on his feet. "and you know damn well that you loved me." 

i scoffed. "i didn't, you were just someone i hooked up with and that was all, you were the one that got attached and now look at you, doing the same thing i did to you to other people. at least i had the decency of treating you like human, you treat them like fucking sex toys."

he started to walk towards me. one of the many things that i hated about hunter was that he wasn't afraid to challenge me. 

"if i can't be with you then no one can." 

i scoff and turn and start to walk out. "you're crazy, you can expect a call from a few of my men."

next thing i know i hear a gun click. 

i turn around, hunter had a gun pulled out and pointed at my face. 

"if you want troye to see his graduation then you won't call anyone." 




so... it seems that hunter and jacob fucked around -literally- at one point. did anyone expect that? 


i don't have much for this a/n so imma just leave 



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