♡thritythree(part 1)♡

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"oh my god troye are you okay? i went to your house after school but you mom said you didn't come home." kayla said running up to me.

i close my locker. "walked to the park, jacob picked me up and i stayed the night there." i say in a monotone voice.

kayla looked at me and noticed i was looking at hari who was already looking at us. she looked back down at whatever she was holding in her hand once kayla looked over at her. 

"i'm sorry about what hari said, she's wrong about connor. i think he's changing for the better." 

we begin to walk. "thanks kayla really but," i sigh. "i don't know i guess i'm just not feeling this."

"you okay?" kayla says stopping in front of me.

i shrug. "i don't know."

kayla playfully nudges me. "well lighten up, not only are you dating probably the most attractive man in la we're also graduating in two weeks."

i smirk and look at her. "you're right."

"well...well...well..." dan howell says. "if it isn't jacob bixenman's bitch."

both me and kayla roll our eyes. "for fucks sake daniel, don't you have some other dick to hop on that isn't mine? maybe phil's perhaps." 

"someone has a mouth don't they," dan says with a smile. "i'm surprised you have the nerve to say something when you know i could do that same thing as that hunter guy did to you." 

"that's enough dan." connor said walking up.

dan looked at him with a surprised look on his face and hari, who obviously had he fucking noes in this, had the same look of surprise on hers.

"you're actually gonna stand up for this guy."

connor stands on the other side of me. "i am actually," he makes a face. "and you wanna know why? because this is the only guy in this fucking school that's actually a decent human being."

"i swear to god i'll-."

"you'll what? hit me? go ahead do it." he then takes a step forward.

at this point people were looking at us, everyone was waiting to see the "big bad" daniel james howell to punch connor in the face. 

connor looked directly back at him with the biggest smile on his face. "well..." he says. "we're waiting."

dan puts his fist down. "you're lucky that i have a lot to lose."

"yeah because that bench you keep warm is a lot to lose danny boy."

 dan rolls his eyes and leaves which causes everyone to laugh. Connor turned to us with a smile on his face as he fixed his book bag. 

"that was fun," he says. "where did you go yesterday t, kayla said that you weren't home."

"i spent the night with jacob."

connor nodded and the three of us began to walk to class. we stopped in front of the physics classroom which as was connor had. 

"see you guys later."

we both nod. "see you later con." troye says. 

he walks into his class and we turn the corner. we walk in silence for a few minutes before kayla speaks up.

"when we graduate..." she starts. "you think we'll still be friends?"

i raise an eyebrow. "where is this coming from." 

"well... all of the things you've been doing with modeling and i know you will continue music at one point; it just feels like were slowly separating."

I turn around. "we're not separating," i say. "Except now because I need to go to math and you need to go to english." 

kayla rolls her eyes. "that's not what i meant."

i kiss her on the cheek. "i know. I will see you at lunch okay." 

"yeah, yeah." kayla says. 

its not letting me publish the whole thing so here is part one

part 2 has the good stuff.



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