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<troye pov>

"i can't believe you did this." i say looking in the mirror at my now silvery white hair.

hari and kayla both walked into the room grabbing their phones and their phone charger. "you said you wanted a change."

"yeah," i said. "like a different nail color or changing my noes ring not my hair."

"oh come on," kayla said. "it nice, it suits you very well and besides you're whole like is a change, you're walking around in designer clothes."

"they aren't mine they're jacobs." i say. 

"still designer," hari says. "we better get going or we're going to be late for being early."

kayla and i both roll our eyes and follow hari out of the house.

"wow, hunter is a fucking dick." kayla says and hari nods in agreement. 

it was lunch now and i was telling hari and kayla about berlin and what happended and they didn't push too muck when it came to asking about jacob which was a good thing.

"so what did jacob do," hari asks. "because i know he just didn't sit there and let that happen."

i shake my head. "oh god no, he was so pissed, i don't think I've ever seen him like that. all i know is that jacob said that the second he we got back into the states hunter was done."

kayla takes in a sharp breath. "damn, i wish i had someone like that."

my phone then vibrates and i check it to see that it was jacob. 

picking you up after school, you're spending the weekend with me - daddy x 

"what are you smiling about?" hari asks.

i put my phone back in my bag. "it was just jacob. he's picking me up after school, we're spending the weekend together."

"that's fucking adorable." kayla says. 

hari nods her head. "i agree, i haven't seen you this happy with someone since-."

"hari," kayla said. "we just but the band of misfits back together, are you really going to break it again?"

i chuckle awkwardly. "it's fine, anyways i gotta go, i need to grab the rest of my makeup work from when i was out in berlin."

i got up to put my tray away and head back into the school as i did i heard kayla smack hari's arm and say: 'look what you did'

<jacob's pov>

"hey princess," i say as troye gets into my car. 

troye blushes the nickname and smile. "hello sir, how was your day?"

"wasn't the best," i say with a big sigh. "what about you how was your day, i see you've gotten a change in hair color."

he chuckles nervously. "it was pretty boring, i had to get all of the work i missed from when i was in berlin. but yeah i changed my hair color... well hari and kayla did when i spent the night... do you like it?"

"i love it, it suits you very well pet. and you are back to being friends with kayla and hari i assume?" 

he nods with a smile. "yes sir."

"good, i'm glad." i say with a smile as we get onto my street. 

i look over to troye who was staring at the window watching the scenery go by and it made me feel content to know that my princess was happy because happiness is all he needs. 

"are you kidding me, this is the third second in a row!" troye exclaims as i beat him in another round of mario kart. 

i pause the game and laugh. "it's not my fault i'm a master at the game." i say smugly. 

"i could beat you if you didn't choose rainbow road, that one is nearly impossible for me." he says. 

i nudge him playfully. "don't be such a sore loser princess." 

troye then tackles me onto the couch a cheeky grin planted on his face. "you were the sore loser daddy, you were the one who chose rainbow road after you saw how good i was."

i flip us over so i was now on top and i grab his wrist and pin them above his head. "oh pet," i say. "i let you win." i then lean down and kiss him. 

he smiles into the kiss, pushing his head up so that he could kiss me better. I bite on his bottom lip which, not only gets a moan out of troye but, it was the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. we battle for dominance and of course i won. i did this for a few minutes before i kiss down his neck leaving hickies that wouldn't be seen by anyone else but me. 

"god I wish it could be like this everyday." troye says after we pull apart. 

i chuckle and get up. "maybe one day," i say reaching my hand out to him and he gratefully takes it. "but for now I'm pretty good with this."

it was later in the evening and we were lying in my bed. I was doing some work on my laptop and troye was writing down something in his notebook, probably another song.

"troye," i say. "can i ask you a question."

troye looks up from his notebook and looks to me. "what is it sir?"

"when i asked you about 'for him' you said it was about someone you used to date, who was it?"

i saw troye shift uncomfortably and I place a reassuring hand on his back. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

troye chuckles. "it's not that, it's just embarrassing."

"i'm not here to laugh at you pet, you can tell me anything, remember?"

"it was connor franta sir."

i raise an eyebrow. "isn't he one of the dic- isn't he one of the guys that bully you?"

troye sighs. "it's complicated, he wasn't out when we dated; hell he's not even out now. he was very nice then, the song was supposed to be a birthday present, something that him and i can share alone," he says looking at me with glassy eyes. "then something happened with connor, when i tried to ask he'd push me away or straight ignored me. finally he called it quits and to hide thee fact that he was gay he'd bully me."

"troye i-." 

troye shakes his head and lies his head on my chest. "it's fine, i'm fine. it was a year ago, i was dumb anyway. he wasn't completely okay with who he is, he still isn't."

i wrap my arms around his small torso and kiss the top of his head. "i love you troye, you know that right. 

he smiles. "i know, i love you too sir." 

my birthday is tomorrow (:

this chapter was pretty lame...smutt next chapter???

also i finally have another story up, it's called gang related you should check it out♡

well that's all from me

happy holidays.



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