lets straighten this out...♡

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first off... im gonna delete this tomorrow; or at least take the picture of me out just in case someone from my school sees this and is like woah.

but yes that me, from an hour ago... i had a band concert.

alright now onto the real reason im making this.

so i read my chapters over after i publish them and then just skip through my stories responding to comments and stuff. as i did this i realized a few things.

1. the shit you guys comment never fails to make me laugh

2. im HORRIBLE at where we are in the story as far as time and stuff

so thats what im here to establish.

for starters you guys know there is an age gap but throughout the story it changes between three and four years.... it's three. jacob is 21 troye is 18.

troye has been at the agency for six months and has been dating jacob for six months. and it's been almost a month since berlin.

troye is almost done with his senior year in high school id say a few more chapters before graduation (don't quote me on that)

there are times (rare times) when i switch povs that i go back in time a little just so you can see the stuff leading up to whatever it is.

someone pm'ed me and asked if troye was being homeschooled and he isn't. he's still at the high school i just haven't been focusing on that part that much.

im pretty sure that's it if you're confused on anything else ask because i feel like im forgetting something.

that's all


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