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"god, isabelle..." i say talking to my sister through the bluetooth in my car. "you're making them sound like a handful."

we we're catching up as we haven't spoken to each other since i took over the agency and she was talking to me about her kids. she'll swear up and down that they are heaven sent but whenever she mentions them they sound like devil spawns.

"it's just a phase," she says with a light laugh. "they'll grow out of it."

i throw my head back and laugh. "if they could speak i bet they'd say "it's not a phase mom"."

this time she laughs. "honestly jacob, you should come and see them. you haven't seen the twins since the agency started, they babble you name from time to time."

i sigh. "i'll try, but i've been dealing with a few things on this end."

i hear some shuffling before my sister says. "like troye and hunter?"

i roll my eyes. whenever my sister doesn't hear from me she always goes to the press. it's her way of guilt tripping me into talking to her more often. 

"izzy..." i whine.

"i have to get my information from something," she says. "you can take a break from hunter and come visit you niece and nephew and bring your boyfriend, i'd like to see the man that has my little brother wrapped around his finger. 

"i'm taller than you." i point out childishly.

i can already tell she just shrugged her shoulders. "still older."

we share a quick laugh before isabelle dies down and clears her throat. "but seriously though do you see a future with troye? like marriage and stuff?"

i raise an eyebrow. "stuff? like...kids?"

i hear her open a door. "i guess you could say that?"

i'm now in troye's driveway but i continue the conversation before going to his front door. "yeah, i've thought about it from time to time. haven't brought it up to troye though, he's still in high school."

"well look," she says with a sigh. "i can tell that troye is someone that isn't just your little fucktoy."

i clear my throat awkwardly. "well okay the isabelle."

"i'm serious," she says. "we've been through a lot, you and i. mom, dad, gramps and, maw-maw. your depression my drug addiction, it puts me at ease to see you doing so well in life... they would be proud of you."

i smile. "you too," i say. "look i gotta go, i have a date with troye."

"have fun and tell troye i said hello, even though he doesn't know me." she says with a laugh. 

i laugh, "okay i will see ya soon."

"see ya soon little bro," she says before hanging up the phone. 

i sigh, i never knew i needed to hear my sisters voice until then. with everything going on i haven't had the chance to pick up the phone and talk to her. she's right though, i should go and visit her and the kids.

i grab my phone, turn the camera on and point it towards me making sure that i look as good as i can possibly be for troye, even if he's seen me in the most nastiest of ways. 

after i made sure i looked good i got out of my car and walked to the door. i was hesitant to knock, despite the fact that this isn't the first time i've been over here. once i did troye's father, shaun opened the door. 

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