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overstim and slight breath play?


"you're kidding."

"like eat? actually food?"

"oh my god."

i sigh. "no i'm not kidding, yes actually food," he then slaps his thighs. "jesus guys."

kayla sighs. "i just can't believe it, i mean we really get to officially meet jacob."

connor nods his head and looks towards me. "yeah same here. i get to redeem myself here and show him that i'm not a jock."

i looked over to hari. "what about you har, usually you'd be the first to go on and on about jacob.""

hari puts he fork down in her salad and raises her hands. "look, usually i'm all for people turning a new leaf but come on troye, this guy made your life a living hell."


"nope," she says. "don't even try to convince me otherwise. remember that time you call me and kayla over because he broke up with you and then shoved you into a locker the next day in front of everyone and called you a fag. because i do! you know what it took to get you to talk to you? it took you being in a fucking hospital troye, a hospital."

"only reason he found out was because you can't keep your fucking mouth shut." i sneer.

"enough!" kayla said.

connor sighs. "maybe it would be better if i didn't go."



kayla looked at hari. "hari...."

"him or me." she says.

i raise an eyebrow. "escuse me?"

"him or me, i'm not going to sit here and watch you make a fool of yourself. tell me right now, me or connor?"

i make a face. "fuck you."

hari flicked me off before getting up and leaving.

"troye..." connor said 

"i need to," i say getting up and grabbing my book bag. "i need to go but i'll see you guys later tonight." 

i walk out of school disregarding any of the faces that i was getting. i walk past the court yard and all the way to the park that was down the street from my school. i sat down at one of the many benches and put my head into my hands and cry.

i don't even know why i was crying but i haven't done it in a long time and i guess that what happened with hari was what i needed to send me over the edge. 


i look up and i see jacob standing in front of me with his satchel slowly falling off his shoulder. 

i sniff and wipe my face with the back of my sleeve. "hey."

he kneels down in front of me and puts his hands on my knees. "what's wrong baby, why are you crying."

i don't know why, but i started to cry harder.

"you want to go to my place?"

i nod my head furiously. "p-please." i say.

he nods his head and helps me up. 

i instantly latch onto him and bury my face into his chest. tears were streaming down my face and staining his shirt that probably cost more than my entire outfit put together but i knew he didn't care. 

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now