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"why didn't you tell us that jacob kissed you?" hari says as she forcefully closes my locker.

i sigh, rolls my eyes and look over at her. "who told you?"

she scoffs. "zoey texted kayla and then kayla called me, duh. how else would i find out? now why didn't you tell me, you're supposed to tell me everything."

"so... i'm supposed to tell you every time me and jacob fuck?"


i roll my eyes and pick up my satchel. "you're horrible and where is kayla, usually you guys tag team when you come to torture me about my life with jacob."

hari sighs as we begin to walk down the hall. "she came down with mono, i told her not to play spin the bottle the other night... she never listens to me."

"who gave it to her!" i say.

she scoffs. "grayson dolan of course! he's a grade 'a' fuckboy. he didn't even get mono, he just kissed kayla and she calls me the next day that the idiot gave her mono."

"he's a hot grade 'a' fuckboy." i say nonchalantly

hari hits my shoulder. "that's why they call them fuckboys. and you better watch yourself, don't want jacob to catch you talking about other boys like that before you get punished."

i roll my eyes ignoring the last part of her sentence and continue walking with her down the hall. as we did we passed a few jocks some of them i knew others i didn't. one of them pushed me into a locker which i wasn't surprised by and turned around and laughed. 

"oops," he says sarcastically. "my arm slipped." he then laughed and started high fiving the guys he was walking with.

i winced as the cold lock hit the middle of my back as i slid down the lockers after being pushed into them. 

"are you okay!" hari says rushing down besides me.

i gesture for her to help me up as i grab my bag. "that's definitely going to leave a bruise." i say. 

"you need to do something about this, it's only going to get worse." hari says. i could practically feel the concern in her voice.

i shake my head. "if i squeal it will get worse than it already is."

she steps back and crosses her arms. "if you don't say anything i will."

i shake my head. "no, no if you say something they'll pick on the both of us and i'm not letter that happen."

"it's not like i haven't been bullied before, i'm fucking transgender."

"i don't care, i'm not letting you take the heat for me, now i gotta get to class i'll see you later okay?"

hari sighed in defeat. she knew i wasn't going to budge on this one. "see you later."

<jacob's pov>

it was going on 3:30, troye should be out of school by now but i'd figured i'd wait until four to head over to his house but until then i am busying myself with the details berlin.

there's about two and a half weeks until then and i know that zoella had made the bookings for the hotel and tickets for the plane but well all know that hotels and airlines can easily fuck up bookings in seconds.

"jacob." zoella said knocking on the door.

i look up. "zoella, what are you doing in here, i don't have a meeting until," i check my watch. "5:30."

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