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usually I am the first one here, followed shortly by zoe of course but today everyone was here and they were all standing in the opening room. the police included. the smile from my face faded and turned into a confused look as I sat my bag on the receptionist desk.

"not that I don't like the eagerness here guys but why exactly is everyone standing here, and why is the police here?"

everyone looked at each other before zoey stepped up. 

"jaco- mr. bixenman, sir there's been a... break in." she says. 

my face turns into concern as i walk towards the little huddle. "well is everyone okay?" i say.

"we're all fine it's just that-."

a police officer walks up. "it happended last night by the looks of it... it was around midnight." 

I take a deep breath trying to keep my composure. "and I wasn't notified of this last night for what reason?"

"whoever did this knew what they were doing, they disarmed the alarm completely. they even broke it."

"and yet you blokes are standing in my building telling me what happended when you should be looking for the guy who did this," I yell which causes all of them to jump.

the officer doesn't even flinch but crosses his arms. "my team and i are working on this -."

"no your team is standing in my building and i want you to get the fuck out."

he gets taken aback by my words before quickly regaining composure. "i understand that you're upset but if you keep talking to me like this i won't hesitate to take you out of here in handcuffs."

i scoff and roll my eyes. "for what? you're the one not doing your job, you told me what happended someone broke in. now your job is to find out who did this and arrest them... not me so i'm going to say this one more time or i will escort you out myself... get the fuck out of my building."

the officer sighed before gesturing to his team to leave. "if you need me you know where to find me."

"trust me I won't," I say before turning to my staff. "lucky for you guys you get a day off, i'm closing down the building today to find out what happended and just to be safe. don't want you guys in harms way."

they all nod before making their way to the front door. zoey stays behind and walks up to me as i grab my bag. 

"you can go home zoey," i say. "you don't have to stay and help."

"i know but I want to, we are friends after all."

a smile appears on my face. "that we are, honestly i'm glad I have a friend like you or i'd be dead." i say before heading up to my office.


"oh my god."

the door was already open to my office and what I say made me want to commit a homicide. the room was trashed everything was on the floor and my desk was flipped over. 

"jacob whoever did this-."

i shake my head. "i know who did this, but what was he here for?"

"we could start by going through the papers." zoey suggest.

i nod. "yeah we should start there."

we walk behind my desk and start shuffling through the scattered pieces of paper. most of it was just plans for clothing and a few things about other agencies. looking through this though i realize that my job can get pretty boring sometimes. 

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