Chapter 1- Don't Stop Beleiving

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McKinley High School: 2009

Rachel's POV:

Today is my first day of my Sophomore year. I'm so excited. Middle school was hard because of all of the bullying, but I've turned myself around. I've grown out my hair and got highlights. I'm probably not going to keep he highlights for long, but at least I can start off the year fresh. I used to wear these kid like sweaters and these really ugly skirts, but I've thrown all of those away. I got all new clothes. I got dresses, some jeans, regular shirts, and some trendy skirts. Ya know, ones that don't look like a 4 year old wore it the day before. Right now, I'm signing up to be a Cheerio. Cheerios are basically the top of the high school popularity food chain. And I'm going to be there. I've taken gymnastics over the summer and worked really hard. Since I've been doing gymnastics, I haven't had time to post MySpace videos of me singing, so I've kind of just stopped the whole singing thing all together. It's not like I would ever make a career out of it anyway. I mean,I can't make a career of cheerleading for the Cheerios, but I could get a scholarship for cheerleading. At least I'll get into collage. Anyway, I arrived at McKinley feeling so confident about myself that I didn't even notice that someone was walking up to me with a slushee. All of a sudden, I felt a cold sting on my face and heard laughter behind me. Of course, nothing's changed since Middle School. I'm still the lonely loser with no friends. The only friends I really have are Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones. We met in Middle School and have been best friends ever since. I know that I'll probably have to drop them as friends if I become a cheerio, but for now, I want them to be my best friends, just like they have been  for a long time now. I'm about to show them my new look, and I'm really worried with what they might say. How do I know that they aren't going to like it?

"Hey, what's up you guys?" I say as I walk towards Mercedes and Kurt

"Woah, who are you? My friend Rachel Berry doesn't look this hot!" Mercedes said

"Hey! I looked ok last year, I just made my look even better this year. It's the outfit and the hair. Nothing else changed!" I said kind of offended

"That's not what I was saying. I was saying that you had a major glow up. In-in a good way" She said kind of scared

"Listen ladies, let's stop the bickering. I want to congratulate Rachel on her tryout for the Cheerios!" Kurt said excited

"Wait what? How did you find out?" I was so confused. I haven't told anybody about it

"Diva, we saw your signature on the tryout sheet" Mercedes said laughing

I sigh. "I really wanted to tell you guys, but I just couldn't. I didn't want you guys to know" I said sounding really upset

"Why not? We are completely supportive of it. We hope you make it. " Mercedes was being really supportive

"Well, tryouts are after school at 4, so, hopefully, I make it. But I hear that Sue Sylvester, the coach, is so, mean."

Kurt rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry. You'll make it. We have faith in you" 

"Thank you guys for believing in me. I really think that this is the year that everything works out. Well, I hope anyway" I say kind of discouraged

Me, Kurt and Mercedes hugged and we walked to class together. Thank god I have classes with them, or else I would be lonely in every single class. It was Spanish with Mr. Shue. He may sound weird, but trust me, he's actually a really good teacher. I've learned a lot from him about Spanish. I'm passing the class with an 100 average. Anyway, enough about Spanish. All I've really thought about is Cheerios tryouts. Ever since one girl mysteriously transferred, they've needed a new Cheerio. I'm hoping to be the new Cheerio. It would boost my reputation so much. I really hope I get in. For now, I'm stuck in this Spanish class sitting next to Finn Hudson. I couldn't sit next to Kurt or Mercedes because they got sat next to each other the first day because of our assigned seats, so I was stuck sitting next to Finn. He was so annoying. He never did his work, and he always texted his girlfriend, Quinn Fabray, who is head Cheerio. Maybe I could talk to her so that she can convince Coach Sylvester that I'm good enough to be on the team. That's my plan. Coach Sylvester is basically wrapped around Quinn's finger. So is Finn. She'll definitely put in a good word for me if I ask her to. I just have to be nice about it. And I just hope that she doesn't--

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