Chapter 44- The Talk, The Drive, The Crash

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Friday night..
At Rachel's house...
Finn's POV:

I was at Rachel's house in my suit, and I was so nervous. I didn't know if she was just kidding about agreeing to have dinner with me, or if she was serious. It was 6:59, but I wanted to be there at 7:00 o'clock on the dot. I didn't want to rush her. I mean, what if she needed that extra minute to get ready? I looked at the clock again, and it said 7:00. I quickly looked at myself, seeing if I was all ready, and I looked pretty good. I coughed, and then knocked on Rachel's door. I expected to see Rachel at the door when it opened, but instead, I saw her dads.

"Um, hi, Mr. and Mr. Berry. I'm here to pick up Rachel, if that's okay" I say, hesitant that they were gonna yell at me or something to break their daughters heart

"Come on in Finn. She'll be ready in just a minute" Hiram said with a smile, and I sighed a sigh of relief. At least I wasn't getting yelled at. But LeRoy was being awfully quiet. It was kind of scaring me.

"So, Finn, where are you planning on taking Rachel tonight?" Hiram asks

"Oh, I uh, plan on taking her to Breadstix, and then a walk in the park. Or, the walk in the park first. I haven't really thought out which one we're doing first" I say, and LeRoy straightens himself out

"So, you don't have an exact plan of where your taking our daughter?" He asks me

"I mean, I know that we are going to those two places, and maybe the auditorium at school, because that's where Rachel and I first really met" I say, and he glares at me

"Yeah, where you first met. Before or after you broke her heart?" He asks me, and I get taken back by the question

"Hiram!" Hiram exclaims

"What!?" LeRoy exclaims

"That was extremely rude! Go see if Rachel's ready!" LeRoy exclaims, and LeRoy just stares at Hiram and I, then goes upstairs to see if Rachel's ready

"I'm so sorry about him. I guess he just took it too close to home when Rachel told us that you cheated on her" he says, and I look at him confused

"I'm sorry to ask but, why would that be too close to home for him?" I ask Hiram, and he sighs

"The first time LeRoy and I dated, we were widely hated in our school. You see, not many people came out in that time period. We were all closeted. Some of us are still in the closet. But, we didn't care. We were in love, that's what mattered the most. Anyway, one day, we had a really bad fight, so we both stormed off and when I went into the bathroom I ran into someone. Really sweet kid, but, I could tell he was in the closet. Anyway, long story short I cheated on LeRoy. And, in return to me cheating, Hiram told the entire school that the kid I kissed was gay. That kid later moved away, and we never saw him again." He says, and I look at him surprised

"If that happened, then how did you guys ever get back together and married?" I ask, and he simply just laughs

"Love always finds its way. Fate, destiny, coincidence, I don't care. Love always finds a way to bring to people together who are meant to be together" he says with a smile, and I smile

Just then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and I see LeRoy

""She'll only be one more minute. She's just putting some things in her purse" he says, glaring at me, and I nod and look at the floor

All of a sudden, I look back at the stairs and there was Rachel. Her gorgeous brown hair, her beautiful brown eyes, it was all perfect. She got down to the bottom of the steps, and I was speechless

"Wow. R-Rachel. You look..... amazing" I Say in awe

"Thanks Finn. You don't look to bad yourself" she says with a laugh

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