Chapter 26- Regionals P. 1

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The Next Day
Rachel's POV:

We are all going to Mr. Shue's tonight to talk about Regionals that are in two days. Finn's picking me up so that we can go there, but he's 10 minutes late. I'm seriously considering driving there by myself. Just for everyone's amusement, and for probably my own good, I put on an old skirt and an old reindeer sweater with some tights and flats. I was about to leave when I got the right idea to text Finn


Rachel🌟: Finn, where are you!? We're gonna be late!

Finn❤️: I got caught up in traffic. I'll be there in 5

Rachel🌟: You live 5 minutes away. How did you get stuck in traffic?

Finn❤️: The person wouldn't move. I will be there in 5 minutes, I promise

I was so annoyed. I said goodbye to my dads and walked out of my house. I started walking towards Finn's. I figured that he would see me on the way, but I didn't see his car on the road. I walked all the way to his house to see his car still in the driveway! I was so mad. I speed walk towards his front door, and pins on it. No other cars were there except for Finn's and Kurt's, so I could be angry. Kurt answers the door and sees my face


"He's upstairs" he says, and I push past him. I open his room door to see him laying down. I was so mad. He completely lied to me. He wasn't getting ready, nor was he even leaving the house! He was still napping!

"Finn Christopher Hudson! Get the hell up!" I yell, and rip his blanket off of him

"Ah! It's freezing!" He yells

"Get up. And get ready. We're going." I demand, and leave the room taking the blanket with me. I walk past Kurt who goes into his room. I take Finn's blanket and put it on the living room couch so that he can't get it. I go on my phone, and start to look through it while Finn gets dressed

Finn's POV:

"Wow, you really don't wanna make her mad" Kurt says laughing while walking into my room.

"Whatever. I said I would be there in five minutes. I didn't expect her to walk here" I say

"She's Rachel Berry. Well, now. You know that she's ambitious and will literally stop at nothing to get what she wants" he says to me

"Yeah, I know". At this point, all that was left was to do my hair.

"Did you see what she was wearing?" Kurt asks me

"No, I was too busy paying attention to her ripping my blanket off of me. What is it?" I ask

"She's wearing a reindeer sweater and an ugly skirt with some tights and black flats" he says, and we both smile

"Rachel Berry is back" I say

"That she is" he says. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I might just drive Rachel there myself, and we'll meet you there" he says

"Ok. Sounds good" I say

"Don't fall asleep again, or she'll do worse then rip off your blanket" he says, and we both laugh

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