Chapter 38- Your Choice

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1 week later....
Rachel's POV:

"Okay everybody! Regionals is in a couple of weeks and we need to start thinking of our setlist. Now, I have an idea, but I don't know if it'll work. But for now, I want you all to think of a song that defines you. Think of a song that you can relate to, and a song that, could seem like you've written. This weeks lesson, is called your choice" He says, and writes it on the board. "I want you all to choose a song that I just described, and sing it in front of everyone before the end of this week. I'm looking to get at least 3 performances each day. So, I'm goin got leave the rest of Glee for you to start thinking about your songs. I will be in my office if anyone needs me" Mr. Shue says, and leaves into his office. But, I was confused. He never goes into his office. He's always out here with us, helping us out. It was weird, but I blew it off.

"So, what song are you singing?" Santana asks me out of no where

"I haven't really decided yet. You?" I ask, and she shakes her head no

"I mean, he did just give us the assignment. But, I thought that thinking of a song that connects with me would be easy. I guess not" She says, and I shrug

"For me, there's too many" I say

"You'll find one. Your Rachel Berry, you always have a song up your sleeve" she says, and I scoff

"Not always" I say, but she doesn't hear me

"Huh?" She asks

"Oh, uh, nothing. Anyway, I'm gonna go talk to Mr. Shue and see if he needs anything. I'll be right back" I say, get up, and go into Mr. Shue's office

"Oh, hey Rachel. What's up?" He asked

"I was just wondering if you were okay. I mean, your never in your office" I say, and he chuckles

"Yeah, I'm okay Rachel. But thank you for asking. As for you, are you okay?" He asks me, and I nod

"I mean, I haven't had any, you know, thoughts. I have had the thought to see Ms. Pillsbury a couple times, but I composed myself and just kept on walking" I say

"Well, both of our doors are always open for you if you need any help, or just someone to talk to Okay?" He says, and I smile

"Okay. Thanks Mr. Shue" I say, and walk out of his office

"Hey, Mr. Shue Okay?" Santana asks me as I go to sit back down

"Yeah, he's fine." I say with a little smile on my face. Just then, I look out the door to see Kurt standing in the doorway

"Kurt!?" I say excitedly, and everyone looks at the doorway. I run up to him and hug him as tight as I can

"Oh, I've missed you so much. I mean, I know that I saw you at Sectionals, but I just feel like that was so long ago" I say, and he laughs

"I'm glad to be here too. But, I can't lie. Sebastian sent me here to spy on you guys" he says, and I pull away from the hug

"What?" Santana asks

"Your not spying on us though, are you?" I ask him confused

"Of course not! This gave me an excuse to come see you guys!" He says offended

"Kurt, I think just because of the circumstance, that you should come back another time" Santana says, and I can tell bar Kurt's hurt by her words

"You actually think I'm spying on you guys? My friends?" He says surprised

"I know you wouldn't. But, just for precautions. Please? We'll talk to you later, Okay?" Santana says, and Kurt fakes a smile

"Of course. Um, keep doing what you were doing. Good luck" He says, and walks away. I look at Santana, and she looks at me. I look back at the door and wish he hadn't left

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