Chapter 34- Landslide

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Santana's POV:

"You are going to be singing.... Valerie!" He exclaims, and I jump up and down

"Congrats San!" Rachel exclaims

"I love that song!" I exclaim

"I knew you would. Ok, who would like to go help Santana with her solo?" He says, and I sigh

"Mr. Shue, who would you think?" I ask, and we all look at Rachel

"Ok. Santana and Rachel, go to the auditorium and practice Valerie. Brittany and Mike, stay here and practice the dance in gonna teach you. Everyone else, I have our group song, and our duet partners!" Mr. Shue exclaims

"Um, I wanna hear the group and duet first" Rachel says, and Mr. Shue nods

"The group number is going to be..... Viva La Vida by Coldplay!" Mr. Shue exclaims

"And the duet?" I ask

"Well, the song is I've had the time of my life" he says, and we all clap

"And the people singing it are.... Sam and Quinn!" He exclaim, and we all look at him confused

"Huh?" Rachel asks

"Well, they had such good chemistry together singing Lucky, so I figured they could sing a duet at this Sectionals" he says

"So, I don't get featured at all at Sectionals??" Rachel asks

"Nope." He says, and Rachel looks at him like he has 10 heads or something.

"Fine." She says sternly, and storms out of the choir room. I sigh and go after her while hearing Finn and Quinn laughing with each other. I roll my eyes and he door closes behind me

In the auditorium...

"Rach? Rachel, you in here?!" I tell when I walk into the auditorium. I wake closer and see her sitting at the piano playing something. I walk closer and start to listen, and hear her singing something I've never heard before

What have I done?
I wish I could run
Away from this ship, going under

Just trying to help
Hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is
On my shoulders

And then she stops. I was so moved. It was one of the only times I thought Rachel Berry's voice was, beautiful.

"Rachel?" I ask as I'm right near the edge of the stage, and she gets startled

"Santana! Wh-What are you doing in here?" She asks wiping tears from her eyes

"Um, Mr. Shue told us to come practice remember?" I say and she laughs

"Oh, right. C'mon, let's start practicing." She says and I get on the stage

"Nope. We aren't practicing. I can sing that song in my sleep. We, are going to practice, your song." I say, and she looks at me embarrassed.

"What? What do you mean, my song?" She asks, as if she wasn't just playing her own song a few minutes ago

"The song you were playing literally 5 minutes. Because I think that you should sing it at Regionals as a solo." I say, and she looks at me weirdly

"I cannot sing that in front of thousands of people. It isn't even done yet" she says

"Well, its good that we aren't even close to regionals right? Sectionals is next week. We have a lot of time to get it right." I say, and we just stop and stare at each other.

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