Chapter 36- I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty

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1 week later..

Rachel's POV:

The glee club is practicing in the auditorium for Regionals. The dance moves are hard to get down because Mr. Shue is going really fast, but I'm keeping up pretty well. I was doing really well until Finn made a misstep and tripped me. I landed on the stage floor, literally face first. Finn ran over to me to see if I was ok. I lifted up my face and my nose was bleeding.

1 hour later..

"You don't have to be here with me Finn. I'm sure that Quinn isn't too okay with it." I say

"It's my fault that your here. I should've been more careful. If your nose is broken, I don't even know." He says, and the doctor comes in the room.

"Well Rachel, It's broken." He says, and Finn sighs and looks like he's gonna faint. "But, from the looks of it, you could possibly get a surgery to fix it" He says, and Finn and I look at him confused

"What do you mean? Like, a nose job?" I ask, and he nods

"I mean, it's like a right of passage for Jewish girls. I gave my daughters their first nose job when they were 16. They learned to love it." He says, and I look at Finn, and then back at the doctor

"Can I think about it?" I ask, and he nods

"Just let me know when your ready" He says, gives me his card, and tells me I'm good to go.

In Finn's Truck...

"Are you really gonna do it?" He asks me, and I shrug

"I don't know. I mean, i've always gotten made fun of my nose, It's huge. Maybe changing it wouldn't be so bad." I say, and he pulls over. "Finn, I have to get home. Start driving again" I say

"Are you serious? Your considering getting a nose job?" He says with  big, noticeable attitude

"Finn, It's none of your concern. We aren't dating, so you have no input in my decision." I say

"Rachel, I still care about you. We're friends, I hope. I like you the way you look. Don't do this." He says, and I got really annoyed

"Finn, If you don't start driving, I'm just gonna walk the rest of the way to my house. You decide what I'm gonna do." I say with as much anger in my voice as possible, and he sighs and start driving toward my house. Once we get to my house, I get out, slam the door, and go into my house. I go up into my room, and wonder what to do.

The Next Day...

I decided what to do. I knew that I needed to. It was time to let go of my old look. I just wanted the glee club to be supportive of my decision, and not be against it. This is what I want to do, and I wanted them to all agree with me that it was the right thing to do for myself. Finn's definitely not going to be happy though. I walk into glee with my binder in my arms and the bandage around my nose.

"Hey Rachel! How are you feeling?" Mr. Shue says

"Hi Mr. Shue. I'm doing fine, just a little broken nose. But don't worry. It's getting fixed in a couple of days so I'll be fine." I say, and stand in front of the glee club

"Rachel, you shouldn't. You don't need it." Finn says, and I roll my eyes

"What are you talking about?" Quinn asks him

"He's talking about my surgery" I say, and they all looked at me confused

"You mean, a nose job?" Puck asks

"No, it's just a simple surgery to reconstruct my nose." I say sternly

"So, a nose job." Santana says

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