Chapter 35- Sectionals

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1 Week Later...
Rachel's POV:

This was the week. The week of Sectionals. The week that we had to get right. This week relied on everything that we had worked for. This week made up for everything we did wrong last year. No one was gonna steal our songs this time. Our set list was literally locked in a safe at my house and if anyone broke in and stole it, it would be robbing. Now, yes, that was my idea, but I'm only taking safety precautions. I was walking to glee with Santana as we saw Mr. Shue put up our Sectionals poster on the choir room door. I couldn't fight the huge smile on my face.

"A little happy there, Berry?" She asks laughing

"We are finally there. We finally made it to sectionals. Feels like forever." I say, and she smiles back

"Yeah, it really does" she says

"Hey, how did it go with you and Brittany yesterday?" I ask, and her smile fades

"Everything went fine. But, I just, don't wanna talk about it" she says, and I just nod. I didn't want to make her more upset then she was already. Whatever happened with her and Brittany, I guess it didn't go so well. We walk into he choir room with smiles on our faces, ready to get on the bus for sectionals the next day.

"Hey Sam, you excited for your duet at Sectionals?" I ask him as he walks into the choir room, and he sits near me

"I guess so. I mean, doing the song and getting featured is great, but singing it with Quinn is a little awkward. We've been a thing in the past, but I guess we just don't mean anything to each other now that she's with Finn" he says, and I run his back a little

"Well, maybe you can try to prove to her that you deserve her more?" I suggest, and he shrugs

"How? Her and Finn are practically inseparable" he says, and I shrug back

"Well, you'll be doing the duet in front of a closed curtain. And, you will be backstage before we even go on-stage." I say and smile

"Your right. I'm gonna prove to Quinn that we are meant to be. Finn's not right for her. To me, you and Finn seem like you guys are meant to be." He says, and my smile fades a little

"Obviously not" I say, and look at Finn and Quinn. They look so happy, it's sad.

"Ok everybody. Guess what tomorrow is!?" Mr. Shue screams

"Sectionals!" We all yell, and Mr. Shue claps his hands together. We were all so ecstatic to finally be at this moment. It feels like it's been forever since we've been in a competition.

"Yes! Sectionals!" He says excitedly, and then Sue Sylvester walks in

"Hello William. Remember the last time I came into this room? It was when I told you, that you got another year with the glee club. And now, I get to deliver more exciting news. I get to deliver the news of your setlist being absolutely terrible! Your setlist is too long. Guess you can't do Viva la Vida!" She says, and we all start to panic. "Well, nice talking with you!" She says with a big smile on her face, and walks out.

"Mr. Shue, we don't have a group number! What are we supposed to do!?" I say frantically

"Nothing. We just scrap Viva La Vida. We will still do Valerie and Time Of My Life. We use have to wow the crowd." He says with an annoyed look

"We didn't do anything, and this still happens." Santana says

"We have She Sylvester as our arch enemy. What do you expect?" Mercedes says

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