Chspter 6- Sweet Caroline

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Will's POV:
Next Week
In Glee Club..

"Ok everyone, this weeks assignment is to help out our friend Noah Puckerman with his audition into Glee Club!" I say to Glee Club

"He's seriously joining?" Santana says with attitude

"Yeah, got a problem with it?" Puck says

"Guys, no fighting. Everyone needs to help pick out a song for Noah to sing for his audition into Glee Club." I say

"I think that I could help Puck for his audition." Rachel says

"So can I" Lauren says

"No problem for me" Mercedes says

I see Mercedes, Lauren, Puck, and Rachel look at Kurt, pleading with their eyes

Kurt sighs "Fine. I'll join you guys to help him. But he has to stop tossing me into dumpsters."he says

"Deal." Puck says

"Ok, if anyone else wants to help Puck, they are more then welcome to. For now, only Kurt, Mercedes, Rachel, and Lauren are going to get something special as a reward for offering to help with Puck's audition song." I say, trying to get some other people to be team players

"Rachel shouldn't get a prize. She's dating Puck. That shouldn't count." Finn says, and he sounds very jealous

"Finn, it doesn't matter who's dating who. I'm sure that if it was the other way around Quinn probably wouldn't do it for you" I say, being very blunt

"Yes she would! Wouldn't you Quinn?" He says looking at her

"Finn, Mr. Shue's right. I probably wouldn't help you" She says

"Wow. Thanks. Real love Quinn." He says obviously annoyed at her

"Ok anyway, I hope you all help Puck. And those of you who already are, thank you. I hope some of your peers do the same. If you have any questions, I'll be in my office." I say, and I walk out

Finn's POV:

This is ridiculous. A prize? It's probably just some extra credit on a Spanish thing or something. And Rachel's dating him! How come she gets a prize! She's an annoying little Jewish girl who doesn't need to stoop so low to dating Puck. He doesn't deserve you. She deserves someone better. Yeah, Puck's also Jewish, but he's also a player. It's not right. He shouldn't have her. But I'm happy with Quinn, so everything's good

Rachel's POV:

"Ok Puck, I think you should do an upbeat song for your audition. I think that would be good" I say

"No. I think he should do a slow song." Mercedes says

"Guys, if we heard his voice, maybe we could tell what he should sing" Lauren says

"Good Idea" Kurt says

"Ok, Noah, sing a simple bar" I say

"I thought they serve drinks at a bar." He says

"Ok, forget it. How about just sing what I sing ok?" I say

"Got it" he says

"🎵Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do🎵" I sing "ok, your turn" I say

"🎵Do, are, Mi, Fa, So-🎵Wait, what was the next one?" He says

"Sol, la, ti, do." Mercedes says

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