Chapter 7- Lean On Me

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2 weeks later...

Rachel's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since I've realized I have feelings for Finn, but I haven't had the heart to tell Puck. He's so sweet, and kind to me, but I know that he'll leave me eventually. He protects me from slushies in the hallway, he protects me from everyone actually. I can't face him and say that I don't love him anymore. Because I do love him, but in a friendly way. I feel like I wanna be best friends with him instead of boyfriend and girlfriend. It was cute at first but now it's just awkward and weird, and I know he feels the same. I see the way he looks at Quinn. He really loves her. I mean, she's having his kid so, I guess that's a straight pass into love with people. It's dumb, but it's true. I feel like their meant to be. I don't know they just have a certain connection that is really strong and powerful. I really think they'll end up together. But for me, I don't know who my soulmate is. I don't think I'll ever know. It's just gonna take a while for me to find mine. I should tell Noah. He's so loving and caring for me, but he didn't love me. He loves Quinn. I'm at my locker waiting for him, and right on cue, he shows up.

"Hey my hot Jew. What'd you wanna talk about?" He says

Oh, yeah. Did I mention that I texted him about it? And said that if I didn't tell him I would probably most likely die? Yeah, now I get why people call me a diva AND a drama queen now...

"Um, listen Noah. We have a problem." I say

"What is it?" He says

"I really like you. I love you Noah. I do. Your like a best friend to me. But, I think that's all we'll ever be. I think we will always be only best friends. I don't see a future happening in this relationship. We don't have a future Noah Puckerman." I say

"What are you saying?" He says

"I'm saying that we don't have a future. Of any kind. Your future is meant to be shared with someone else. It's meant to be shared with Quinn. I see the way you look at her. Like she's the love of your life. Like, no one else matters. And I see the way she looks at you" I say

"She looks at me too?" He says

"Yep. And I can see within her eyes that she knows that something isn't right in her life. She knows you guys are meant to be too. I can tell. I can sense it." I say

"Rachel, it's Finn isn't it? Your breaking up with me because of him?" He says, and he sounds kinda hurt

"Yes. I am breaking up with you because of Finn. I've realized that I love him. I'm so sorry. I'm hoping that we can still be friends?" I say and put my hand on his arm

"I hope everything works out between you and Finn, but we weren't friends to begin with" he says. He pushes my arm away and walks away. I can see him wipe tears from his eyes, because his hand went up and he went near where his eyes would be. I feel bad that I hurt him, but it had to be done. We both have feelings for other people, and it would just a matter of time before we completely hated each other. I didn't want that to happen. I close my locker and start walking towards Spanish.

Puck's POV:

I know that she's right. I don't think we ever really had feelings for each other. We love other people. It still hurt that she broke it off after only 3 weeks of dating. I wanna be friends with her, but I think that I just need some time before I can even talk to her. I didn't want her to break it off. Quinn loves Finn. Not me. I have to admit though, I do have a thing for Quinn. I have ever since we slept together. It's like we were meant to be from that point on. But she just went back to Finn. Finn doesn't need her. He's the quarterback already, he is popular. Not to mention that he's nice. I'm the mean person in school that hates everybody and throw slushies in people's faces. Speaking of which, I have to throw a slushie in Rachel's face now that I'm not dating her. I go over to the slushie machine and get a grape one. I go to Spanish and wait for her. As soon as she got there, she smiled at me.

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