Chapter 19- The Letters

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Finn's POV:

I open my letter and start to read it. I didn't want to, scared to see what it said. Rachel broke my heart by saying it was over, but I guess I broke hers first when I said I didn't feel what I felt a couple days before that. Calling her stupid was the worse thing I've ever done. I hope that didn't do anything to hurt her feelings even more then they already were.

Dear Finn,
     I made a horrible mistake breaking up with you. I know that I'm the one who did it, but you are one of the people that broke me the most Finn Hudson. You dated Quinn, a head cheerleader. Then, I was basically the only person that was there for you. She broke your heart. And I was there to rebuild it. I was stupid to do so. You claimed I wasn't, but I realize now that I was only a rebound for you. I built you back up, and you threw me away once I started having my own problems. You never cared. The only people who cared are Santana and Kurt, and I'm sad to leave them. I know that you'll think that your a reason that I'm gone, but I don't really know that at this point. You used me to rebuild your confidence. I was hurting your rep and you needed to get rid of me. I was officially done with it the moment you said that I was stupid. I was stupid for having what? Having feelings? News flash Finn, everybody has feelings. Even you, even though sometimes you don't like to show it. I still am madly in love with you Finn. You may say that I'm insane for having those feelings, but I can't help it. I love you Finn Christopher Hudson, and I hope that you'll be able to move on. I know you already have, but we aren't over. And I know that you know that.
                      Love, Rachel

Santana's POV:

I was so worried. I quickly opened my letter before everyone else and Mr. Shue looked at me with a disappointed look. I put the letter back in the envelope and wait for him to count. After he does, I rip my letter out of the envelope and start to read it

Dear Santana,
     I know that you'll be wondering why. After you and Kurt sung me that song in glee, I was so hopeful. But then my whole world was flipped upside down when Finn and Mercedes commented those rude things on my photo with Jessie, just a few days ago. I didn't check it because of all of the hate, but they got to me. I didn't know how I was gonna handle my problems anymore with no help. Your probably thinking that you and Kurt could've helped me, but at this point in my life, I really don't think you could. I apologize for hurting you, I didn't mean to. You turned your attitude around. You used to be so rude and mean to me, and then you found out what I was going through and you realized that the things out were doing was hurting me. I hope you know that this is not about you. It's about me, and whether or not I'll be happy if I stay here or if I go. I'm sorry, but don't mourn me. Remember me. I love you San.
                   Love, Rachel

Kurt's POV:

As soon as Mr. Shue says 3, I open my letter, not holding back my tears

Dear Kurt,
You will never have any idea how much you mean to me. You will never know how much I love you. You were one person who never left my side. I realize now that I only caused you trouble in your life. But I also realize that you were the only person who actually dealt with my craziness and helped me, other then just pretend to listen. It felt good having a friend, a best friend, like you. I hope that what I'm doing isn't gonna ruin your life. I actually think that people's lives are gonna be great without me. I want you to do something for me though, Kurt. After you read this letter, whenever you can, there is a spare key under the mat at my house. It's not for the house though. It's to my desk. Inside my desk drawer, are a bunch of songs I've written over the past years. I want you to take them and give them to Santana, Mercedes, and Quinn. They would sing them so amazing. I can feel it. The only songs I don't want them to sing are the ones named "Get it right", "Battlefield", and "Cannonball". They are special to me. The other ones are too, but those mean the most. Your the only person that I wrote that to. I love you Kurt Hummel. Please don't change because of me. Keep being yourself.
Love, Rachel Barbara Berry

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