Chapter 20- The Call

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Will's POV:

I got up off of the floor and I addressed the class.

"Guys. What did you think?" I say

"Mr. Shue please tell me that this is a cruel joke." Puck says

"Please" Quinn says

"It's not. Rachel is in the hospital." I say

"What'd she do?" I hear someone say. I look to the doorway to see Santana. She went back and sat at her chair.

"Um, she took a full bottle of pills. And overdosed in her bathtub. We don't have any information at this time. She's still unconscious from what me and Ms. Pillsbury know" I say to the kids.

"Mr. Shue, we have to go see her." Finn says, and goes to walk out the door. Emma steps in front of the door and motions back to his seat

"Go sit down Finn" she says

"But I need to see her" he screams

"You don't need to see her. Your grief is just getting the best of you. What you need to do, is calm down and take a breathe" she says. Finn turns away and sits back down in his seat

"She isn't dead. She hasn't been pronounced dead yet. Stop talking about her like she is. She's not." Finn says, with obvious anger in his voice

"Finn, everyone has a process in grief. Your still in the in denial stage" Emma says

"I'm right! We haven't gotten a call saying if she's dead or not!" He yells

"Finn, stop yelling. We'll get a call saying what happened soon. All we have is hope. And that's what we are gonna do" I say

"Mr. Shue, I would like to share memory of Rachel" Kurt says

"Of course. Go ahead" I say, and sit down

Kurt walks to the front of the room and begins to tear up.

"Rachel was my best friend. She was there for me when times got tough. My dad was in the hospital when I was little. He had a heart attack. She was there for me that day. She stayed with me in the hospital. When my mom died and I came home from the funeral with my dad, she was there. We have been best friends for as long as I could remember. She was the first person I came out to. She was the first person that was ok with me being me. She didn't judge me like everyone else in that kindergarten class. I was also there for her when she was sad about her mom some days. Whenever she would find something that was her mom's, or something her mom gave her, she would come over to my house and we would just eat ice cream and watch sad movies. Yes, we did that at like 8 years old. And, I remember the first musical we watched. It was Funny Girl. That's why she's so obsessed with Barbara Streisand. And we watched that when we were around 4 years old. Our parents knew that we were basically a match made in heaven for best friends. And I agreed with them so much. The Berry family is my family. They took me in when my dad was getting cared for in the hospital,they took me in when my dad went on his vacations, and trips. And, my parents, well, my dad would take Rachel in for the same reasons. Rachel isn't just my best friend. She is my soulmate. She is my diva. She is my family. And stupid people, and their dumb attitudes took her away from me. Mercedes, you and Rachel used to be friends. I don't know what happened, but you got rid of her at the drop of a hat. Lauren, you even followed. I'm so disappointed in the both of you. Neither of you should've done that to her. And the comments on her post, really?  That was even you Finn. And Mercedes even agrees with you. Hell, Karofsky said he would rather die. How is that supposed to make her feel? All the slushies, after what happened with her daughter Shelby, her mom Shelby, and then the whole 'I'm breaking up with Finn' thing, and then the whole cyber bullying thing. It needed to be stopped and this school didn't do a damn thing about It. Everyone on this room saw Rachel suffer every single day! And we did nothing to stop it! It's our faults! It's not hers! Not anyone else's! It's ours! We didn't do enough to help! And you know why? It's because we are all stupid cowards! And none of us could take a second to think of how we might be affecting her!" He says, and sprints out of the room with a puddle practically underneath his feet. I look at Santana, and she nods. She goes out of the room, and tries to find Kurt.

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