Chapter 8- I'll Stand By You

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Rachel's POV:

"I can't do it. I can't do it" I say

"Yes you can Rachel. Just tell him" Lauren says

"It's not that easy. It's so hard" I say

"Rachel,man the hell up and tell the boy." Mercedes says

"He has to take responsibility for his stupid actions" Kurt says

"Guys, I can't bring myself to press call." I say. I'm so scared

"Then let me do it." Lauren says. She grabs my phone out of my hand and presses the call button

"Lauren! What the hell! No! Give it back!" I say

She doesn't give it back until I hear a faint "Hello?" come from the phone

I rip it out of her hand and talk back

"Oh, um, hi Jessie" I say

"Rachel Berry. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He says all cocky

"Jessie, we, uh, need to talk" I say

"Why? What happened?" He says. He actually sounds concerned

"Um, can you meet me at the Lima Bean in a few minutes?" I say

"Yeah, sure that's fine. I'll just tell Vocal Adrenaline that I have to meet with a new dance instructor. They'll believe me" he says laughing

"Ok, thanks. Bye." I say, and hang up

"Well, he agreed to meet me at the Lima Bean in a few minutes. Can one of you give me a ride? I'm not ok mentally to drive." I say

"I will. Come on diva." Mercedes says and takes my arm and leads me towards her car

A Few Minutes Later..

Rachel's POV:

We were in the car for what seemed like forever. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I am so young, and I'm having a child. And the father is a complete ass with no crates about anyone else. This is ridiculous. I haven't said a word to Mercedes this whole car ride. Suddenly, I get a text from Finn


Finn: Hey, where r u? Glee Club is starting soon

Rachel: I'm not coming today. Neither is Kurt, Mercedes, or Lauren

Finn: What? Why not?

Rachel: There's just something I have to do. I promise. Everything will be fine

Finn: Ok. Be safe. With whatever your doing

Rachel: Trust me. I'm fine.

He shouldn't care too much. But it did feel nice to know he cared enough to look around for me and actually notice that I'm not there. I guess I may be a little important to him.

"Hey diva, you feeling ok? You've been looking a little green for the past 3 minutes. I've been checking" she says nervously

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I say covering my mouth

"He'll no! Not in my car!" Mercedes screams, and pulls over

I open he car door, get out,and bend down. I breathe in the clear air, but nothing stops me from hurling up lunch. It wasn't that pleasant, but it sure felt better afterwards. I hopped back into her car and put my seatbelt on

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