Chapter 2- You Can't Stop The Beat

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Finn's POV:

It's been a week since I've joined Glee club,and I think it's the best thing that's ever happened to me if I'm being completely honest. I wanna see if Quinn will join too, but I don't know if it's gonna happen. She's really focused on the Cheerios. But soon, her bump is gonna start to show, and she won't be able to fit into her Cheerios clothes anymore. Maybe then she'll try out for Glee. I wanted to talk to her today about it. I just hope her hormones aren't all over the place.

"Hey Quinn. Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask politely, trying not to get her mad

"What is it Finn?" She asks aggravated.

Wrong time to ask. But no backing down now.

"I'm, I just wanted to um, ya know, see if you--"

"Spit it out Finn"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to join Glee club?" I ask with some hopefulness in my voice

"Glee Club? Finn, please don't tell me you joined."

I stayed quiet

"Finn! Why would you do that! People will think that your gay! And I'll be your big gay beard! That's not ok! We are supposed to be the power couple! Why did you have to jump to the very bottom of the social food chain. You've commuted Social Suicide. Your done for" She says with seriousness in her voice

"Why can't you just join? I wish you would respect me as much as Rachel does. Maybe she should just be my girlfriend" I say with anger in my voice, and then I walk away.

I can't believe I just said that. Rachel doesn't respect me at all. Why would I say that? Me and Rachel are basically enemies. I think I just said it to get Quinn jealous so that she would join Glee club, but I still don't know why I would pick Rachel. I could've picked Tina, or Mercedes, but why Rachel? I didn't think too much about it. I just kept walking until I felt a hand on my arm

"Finn, ill tryout for Glee if it means that much to you, ok" I hear Quinn say sincerely

"You will?" I say excited

"Of course. Anything to make you happy"

We hug and kiss and I lead her to Spanish where she can talk to Mr. Shue about joining Glee Club

"Mr. Shue?" I say. "This is Quinn Fabray, she's like to join Glee Club"

"Well, I'll have to see if she can sing, but yeah, she can join if she wants to. We can meet after school to see if you make it, before Glee practice"

"Thank you Mr. Shue. It means a lot" I hear Quinn say

Me and Quinn walk out and she smiles

"Maybe me joining Glee Club isn't as bad as I thought it would be"

"Your gonna make it, too. I know you will"

"Thanks Finn. I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too Quinn. Don't you ever forget that. And we will get through this (I point to her stomach) together"

She kissed me and then walks away. I can see her hand go up to her face, so I know that she is wiping away tears. I feel bad, so I don't say anything else and I just start walking to first period

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