Chapter 16- I Dreamed A Dream

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1 week later...
Finn's POV:

I was getting ready for school when there was a knock on my door. I walked to the door and opened it to find a rather older lady, who looked a lot like Rachel

"Um, may I help you?" I say, confused on why she was there

"Yes. Let me just start by saying that your really talented, and I'm so glad to finally have found you." She says. It was really creepy

I give her a confused look, and she continues speaking

"Anyway, uh, I need you to give someone a message for me" she says

"Who?" I say

She hands me a letter with Rachel's full name on it

"What's this?" I ask

"A letter to Rachel, explaining everything. I need you to give her that letter. And please, please make sure she reads it." She says

"I will. Who are you?" I say

"It's all in that letter. Thank you" she says,and walks away

"How do you know Rachel's name? How do you know her?" I yell as she gets in her car

"It's all in the letter" she yells out her car window, and she drives away

I was so confused at the situation. But, I was going to do as she wanted. I was going to give the letter to Rachel.

At School...
Rachel's POV:

I was at my locker waiting for Finn when Puckerman walked up to me

"Hey" he says

"Hey Puck, what's up?" I say, confused on why he's even speaking to me

"Um, I need a favor" he says

"Anything, what's up?" I say

"I know that we're friends. And, you know that I'd do anything for you Rachel. But, what I'm asking you to do is really bad" he says

"Puck, what do you want?" I say, getting annoyed at him

"I need you to accept my offer of throwing a slushie at you" he says

"Are you crazy? Why would I want you to throw a slushie at me?" I say

"Because the dudes on the football team are pressuring me to slushie someone from the glee club" he says

"And you chose me?" I say, angry at him

"Your the only person I could think of at the time, and they agreed. I'm so sorry, will you please just let me slushie you?" He says

He brings a slushie out from behind him

"Please?" He says, begging me with his eyes

"Noah Puckerman, you are the worst human being alive" I say, and take it out of his hands and throw the slushie in my own face

"Now think if anyone else would have done that for you" I say, and walk towards the bathroom with tears in my eyes. I see Finn walk up to me, and the smile is immediately wiped off of his face when he sees the tears

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