Chapter 28- 1 year later

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TIME JUMP: 1 year later...
At McKinley...
Rachel's POV:

It's the first day of my Junior year, and this is the year I get it right. The year that i become popular, and loved. I was at my locker when someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" I hear them ask, and I recognize the voice as Finn. I decided to joke around a little bit with him

"Noah, you know that I can't be with you in school. I don't want Finn to know" I say in my most believable voice. Finn immediately goes to my side and looks at me with a concerned look

"Excuse me?" He says, and I just laugh

"I was just kidding, calm down" I say laughing

"Hey, don't joke around with me like that. Your an actress, your believable" he says laughing

"Happy first day of junior year!" I say excitedly, and kiss Finn. He deepens the kiss, and then I pull away. "I think you forget how easily I just said we are in school!" I say, and smack his arm

"Ow!" He yells. "Ok, ok, I get it. Oh, I gotta go. I promised Mr. Shue I would have my summer paper on his desk before first period" he says, and walks away. I quietly laugh to myself, and see Kurt walking up the hallway. I slam my locker shut and run towards him. I jump into his arms, and o feel his tight grip around my waist. He spun me around, and then out me down

"Oh my god! Kurt, I missed you so much! Why did I have to be away for the whole summer!?" I say, still hugging him. He was silent, and then pulls away from me. I see his face, and he looks heartbroken. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask sincerely

"Karofsky is coming back" he says, and walks towards his locker. I was stunned. Why was Karofsky back!? Sue expelled him! I speed-walk towards Kurt, clenching my tiny fists

"What!? Karofsky's coming back?" I say angrily

"Yeah. And it makes me wish I took up my dads offer last year" he says, and I was confused

"What offer, Kurt?" I ask

"He asked me if I wanted to transfer to Dalton Academy. They have a no bully policy. It's enforced. I needed that, and now I need it. But I think it's too late. I'm stuck here." He says, with tears falling down his face

"Why don't we go to the principal? I ask

"It's Figgins again. He isn't gonna do anything. I might as well hide in the used to be choir room" he says, and walks away. I felt so bad for him. Why is Karofsky allowed back!? It's so stupid! I was pulled out of my thoughts when Quinn and Santana started running towards me screaming. I decided to just rub it off for now, and be happy to see my friends again.

"Quinn! Santana!" I scream

"Rachel!" They scream at the same time, and we all go into a big group hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" I say

"Did you have to go on a cruise!?" Quinn says

"We were dying! We did so much shopping and saw so many things you would like!" Santana says

"Don't worry. This summer, I'm all yours!" I say, and we all smile again

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