Chapter 11- Keep Holding On

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The Next Day...
Finn's POV:

"Finn! Get up! You have to leave for school in 10 minutes!" I hear my mom say

"I'm coming! Just 5 more minutes" I say back

"Nope. Get up." She says, and rips the blanket off of me

"Mom! It's freezing cold!" I scream

"Well now your up" she says, and leaves my room with my blanket

I groan and get up out of the bed. I go into my closet and pull out whatever shirt and pants I grab. I don't even care if it matches. As I'm getting my shirt on,my mom stops me and hands me a shirt that I guess matches. I smile at her and she smiles back. I get my shirt on, splash some water on my face, and put some shoes on.

"Love you Mom! See you after Glee!" I yell

"Love you too!" She screams back

I walk out the door and start walking to school. I brought water with me this time so that I don't pass out again and make my mom have a heart attack. Yeah, that wasn't fun. But the whole way there, the only thing, well, person I could think about, was Rachel. That she was still with that jerk. I told her I loved her for Pete's sake. And I had literally just broken up with Quinn. I don't want Rachel to just be a rebound girl. I wanna have a real relationship with her, and go out on dates because I really love her and I want to be with her. Not just because I'm lonely. I don't know if telling her I loved her was the right idea. I was halfway to school when I saw Rachel's dad's car speeding the opposite way of school with Rachel in the back. She looks back at me with what looks like tears in her eyes. I decided to just ignore it because they were probably late for a doctors appointment or something. Hopefully everything was ok. I walk into school, and am greeted by Quinn, again.

"Quinn, seriously, I've said it once and I'll say t again, I don't want to talk to you." I say

"It's not me. Puck needs to talk to you. He says it's urgent." She says, and walks away

Being the idiot I am, I text Puck


Finn: What do you want Puck?

Puck: Meet me in the choir room

Finn: Ok

I start walking towards the choir room and not two seconds later, Puck is running down the hallway with me behind him. We get to the choir room so quick I forget what I was in there for

"What do you want Puck?" I say

"I'm in some serious trouble dude" he says

"Knock someone up again?" I say, still bitter about what happened

"No, not this time. But I could go to juvie" he says to me

"Juvie!? Puck what the hell? What'd you do?"

"Let's just say that I could go to juvie and I need your help to keep me out of juvie" he says quickly

"Why should I help you?" I say

"Dude, this is the law we are talking about here. Not some bitchy fight. Can you help me out?" He pleads

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