Chapter 41- Regionals P. II

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Seeing the stage...
Rachel's POV:

"Woah. The stage is huge." I hear Finn say as we look at it. We saw all of the people setting up for tonight

"We have until 6:30 to practice or rehearse or whatever. The Warblers go on then and I want to see them go on. We should all want to." I say, and everyone nods

"Of course we will watch the Warblers Rachel. After we practice" Mr. Shue says, and I nod

"Speaking of. Mr. Shue, where are we practicing?" Quinn asks

"I'm glad you asked Quinn. New Directions, we are going to be practicing where I practiced when I came to this building." Mr. Shue says with a smile on his face, and we all get excited

At the place...

"We're practicing in the basement?" Santana asks Mr. Shue with attitude

"Yep. No one can hear us down here, so Rachel and Mercedes could hit as many high notes as they want, and we can make as much noise down here as we can. It's a good place to practice. We even put a chair right near the stairs for when we were in this building" he says, and grabs the chair from the side of the stairs. He puts in against the wall and sits in it

"Okay everybody. From the top" he says, and we all get into our places and start practicing

After practice....
Finn's POV:

After practice was over, I needed to have some alone time to talk to Rachel. I needed to be completely sure about my feelings. I didn't like lying to Quinn about my feelings, and it wasn't fair to Rachel either.

"Quinn, I'll meet you back at the place. I have to talk to someone" I say, and look at Rachel

"Okay. Don't be too long" She says with a smile, and  walks away with everyone else. I see Rachel talking with Santana, and knowing that this was my only opportunity to talk to her, I took my chances.

"Rach? Can I talk to you?" I ask, and big her and Santana turn to me

"Beat it, Frankenteen. I'm talking to her" Santana says, and Rachel glares at her

"What?" She says to Rachel

"Just two minutes" Rachel says


"San. Two minutes." She says, and Santana sighs

"Fine. Two minutes." She says, and turns to me and starts walking. "I'm timing it." She says, and walks away

"What is it, Finn?" She asks me

"I wanted to talk to you, but, I don't really know what to say" I say

"Well, then why are we talking right now?" She asks me, and starts to walk away. I run after her, and I grab her arm. She quickly turns around, and we ended up inches apart

"Finn, I-"

"I think I still have feelings for you Rachel." I blurt out, and she looks at me surprised. I let go of her arm, and run out of the basement.

Rachel's POV:

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Finn had just told me that he has feelings for me. I mean, how? Why? He broke up with me for the sole purpose of dating Quinn, and now he just comes up to me hours before we go on and say that he still has feelings for me!? I couldn't believe it! I knew that I couldn't dwell on it though because we had to perform. I shrugged it off, and rushed out of the basement

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