Chapter 31- Fight Song

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1 week Later...
On Monday..
At Glee...
Quinn's POV:

"What do you mean she's back in town?!" I say frantically

"My mom is back in town, permanently. And she adopted brought Beth with her obviously" Rachel says to me

"H-have you told Puck yet?" I say

"No. I wanted to tell you first." She says

"Before anything, how long have you known this?" I ask rudely

"I've known for about a week, Quinn. I'm not gonna lie." She says, and anger boils

"And you waited to tell me till now why!?" I scream

"Because Shelby said that none of you would be ready so soon. It's only been a year, Quinn! You all needed time before you saw her again!" She screams back

"Ya know what, forget it. I have to go find Puck" I say, and storm off to find Noah before Mr. Shue gets here.

5 minutes later..

"Puck! We need to talk, now!" I scream at him as he's talking to two Cheerios. As soon as I came over towards him, the two Cheerios walked away

"Hey, Quinn, what was that for?" He asks annoyed, and then looks at me worried. "I didn't get you pregnant again did I?" He asks, and I slap his arm.

"Puck, we haven't done anything since then! We have another problem!" I say annoyingly

"What's your problem Quinn!?" He yells

"Shelby's back!" I blurt out. "Shelby has moved to McKinley district, permanently, and Beth is obviously with her" I say

"Wait, so Shelby isn't at Carmel anymore?" He asks

"No. She told Rachel that she has moved here permanently so that she could have a relationship with Rachel. But she didn't want us seeing Beth." I say sadly

"Well, do you want to see her?" He asks me confused

"I don't know right now, Puck. I loved her when I first saw her. She's my perfect thing. The one perfect thing I have in my life and I didn't want to screw her up. That's why I gave her to Shelby. But I have missed her for so long." I say on the verge of tears

"Quinn, we let her go. There's nothing we can do about it, we can't just go to Shelby and take Beth back from her" he says

"No kidding! You don't think I know that!?" I yell. "I have hated my self for a year because I couldn't take care of her. What are we supposed to do if she comes near us?" I exclaim

"We be calm. We be sane. We don't let our feelings get in the way of our better judgement. It's the best for Beth." He says, and deep down I know he's right. I hate when he's right.

"Ya know, I hate when your right. It makes me feel stupid, and immature." I say, while walking away

"I'm still right though! And you know it!" He yells at me, but I just keep walking to the choir room

In the choir room...

"Ok everyone. This weeks lesson is about anything. You can sing a song about whatever your heart desires. Just, let it be appropriate, and, well, subtle" Mr. Shue says

"Mr. Shue, can I go first?" Puck asks, and Mr. Shue nods his head

"I wanna dedicate this song to Quinn. I was wondering if it's ok with my Jewish princess if I say why" he says, and looks over at Rachel. She nods, and puts her head down on Finn. "Rachel's mom, Shelby, is back in town. Permanently for what we all know. And as some of you know, she's the one who adopted Beth. And, I wanted her to know that I'm here for her." He says, and starts the song

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