Chapter 25- Remembering Everything

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2 weeks later...
Rachel's POV:

Regionals are next week and I'm so nervous. I mean, we did amazing at Sectionals, but that's because Mercedes was singing a solo. This time, we have no solos, but a duet. We have a duet, and two group songs. Mr. Shue hasn't told us what thy are yet, but I'm sure they'll be great. Oh my god. I just remembered Sectionals. I'm getting more of my memory back! Wait, is that good or bad? I want to remember everything because I feel like I'm missing out on so much. But on the other hand, I feel like remembering everything will just ruin me. Like, there won't be anything to discover. I've had fun remembering and learning, but what am I gonna do when I've remembered everything and there's nothing to learn?

"Hey, beautiful" I hear Sam say

I love dating Sam. He's so sweet, and kind, and he defends me a lot

"Hey, Sam. What's up?" I say

"Nothing. Just visiting my beautiful girlfriend at her locker" he says

"Your locker is right across from mine. There's no visiting" I say, and laugh

"It's a long walk. I'm surprised I managed to get here without any injuries" he says, and I laugh even harder

"Hey, you wanna go on a date?" I say out of the blue


"A date. Like, a real, out to dinner and a movie, date" I say

"Aren't I supposed to ask you that?" He says

"Well, you haven't yet and I didn't want you losing interest. So, is that a yes or a no?" I say

"A complete yes. I would love to go on a date with you Rachel Berry" he says, and we kiss

"Ugh, get a room" I hear someone say. I look behind Sam and see Finn walking down the hall with a disgusted look on his face

"Don't mind him. He is just jealous because he doesn't have you" he says

"Thank you. It means a lot you think of me like that" I say, smiling

"Like what?" He says

"Like in the hottest girl in this school. Like, I'm not invisible. Like, I'm the only girl in the world" I say

Later In Glee Club..

Girl in the world!

I ended the song off with a bang

"That was amazing Rachel!" Mr. Shue exclaims. "I'm guessing that is a feeling you have?" He says

"Eh, kind of. I know that the 'feelings' lesson was 2 weeks ago, but I still wanted to contribute" I sat, and go sit next to Sam

"Well, either way, I think you did it perfectly" He says. "Ok. Regionals. You guys killed the competition at Sectionals because even though the groups stole our set list, it looked like they hadn't practiced it a lot. Or, at all. But that isn't our problem with Regionals. We are going up against one of the greatest show choir groups in Ohio. Vocal Adrenaline" he says, and my heart skips a beat

"Wait, Vocal Adrenaline?" Finn says

"We're gonna get crushed" Kurt says

"Hey, guys. That's no way to talk. We have something that all the other teams don't. Finn's dancing!" He says, and everyone laughs, including me

"Hey, at least I know my rights from my lefts now" he says

"Kind of" Quinn says

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