Chapter 4- No Air

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Will's POV:

"Rachel, where are you going?" I say

She ignores me

"Um, can someone go get her? We need her for this number" I say, annoyed

"I'll go" Finn says

"Thank you Finn, I appreciate it, I do. But I need you for this number too. Anyone else?"

I see no one else volunteering

"C'mon guys, I thought some of you guys were friends with her?" I say confused

"We stopped being friends with her ever since those rumors went around." Mercedes says, with a hurt look on her face

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Quinn laughing to herself. Something doesn't add up

"Are you guys sure it was Rachel? Are you sure someone isn't framing her?" I say, trying to get them to look around to see Quinn's face

"No. It was definitely Rachel. Everyone says that it was her" Kurt said

"What kind of rumors?"

"She said I was pregnant" Mercedes says

"With my kid" Kurt adds

"That I was using my wheelchair for sympathy" Artie says

"That my dad was a vampire" Tina says

"That I was gay" Finn says

"Anyone else?" I say

"She said that I was pregnant, and that Finn wasn't the father"

"Holy crap, your pregnant?" Kurt says

"No! It's a rumor!" Quinn says

"Wait, so, Rachel made a rumor about everybody in Glee Club, and then she made one about Quinn. Not Santana, or Brittany, or anyone else in this school? How does that make any sense? And, why would she even make up these rumors?" I say, trying to get them to realize it wasn't really Rachel

"We tried to question her about it, but she claimed she didn't know anything" Kurt says

I see Finn's face getting really red and I could tell that he was annoyed.

"Mr. Shue, can I say something?" He says, angrily

"Of course Finn" I say, and I sit down in the corner

Finn's POV:

"Has it ever occurred to you stupid people that it wasn't Rachel? Did it occur to you that she was your best friend, and that you guys were hers?" I say pointing to Mercedes and Kurt. "And what about all she's said to us? All that she's helped us with? Has it ever occurred to you people that your really stupid for thinking it was really her?" I say, not holding back on my anger

"Finn, honey, calm down" I hear Quinn say

"No! I'm not gonna calm down! Ever! Not happening! You and all these other stupid people think that Rachel spread those rumors, and she didn't!"

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