Chapter 37: Born This Way

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The Next Day In The Girl's Bathroom...
Rachel's POV:

I was so conflicted of my decision now. Santana and Finn both don't want me to do it, and to be honest, they are probably the only two people at this school that care about my well-being. But, I don't like the way I look, and plenty of girls change the way that they look to feel better about themselves. That's basically the whole point of plastic surgery! I mean, It's not the end of the world that I want to change something about myself because I don't like it. I just don't see the big problem with this. All of a sudden as I'm lost in my thoughts, I hear the door slam open and I see Puck standing in front of me.

"Puck! What are you doing in here? It's the girls bathroom!" I exclaim as all of the girls go runing out of the bathroom

"Oh, like I haven't been in here before" He says, and I shrug it off and go back to doing my makeup in the mirror

"If your gonna give me another lecture about my nose, you can forget it. I'm not changing my mind" I say, and he sighs

"I know your not. If you remember, we dated for a split second last year before you dumped me because you were in love with Hudson" He says, and I laugh

"Oh gosh, I wouldn't even count that as dating. What did we date for, a day?" I say, still chuckling to myself a little

"1 week, 3 hours, 42 minutes" He says, and I look at him confused. "That's how long we dated. Ya know, before you dumped me for Hudson" He says, and I just look at him sympathetically

"Your in love with Quinn, Puck. Don't even pretend that It was just me that didn't want to be in that relationship because you hooked up with some random cheerio, like, 2 hours after I broke up with you" I say laughing a little

"Okay, forget about that. I came here to talk to you about how you were back then. Ya know, besides the time that you, uh, wanted to take a little trip to heaven. Other than that, you seemed so comfortable with how you looked and everything else. Why did that all change now?" He asks, and I just stay silent. "Is it because Finn and Quinn are dating again and you don't look like Quinn?" He asks, and I stay silent more. "Can you talk to me? One Jew to another?" He asks, and I finally turn to him

"Okay. Maybe I wanted to have Quinn's nose and change the way I look because Finn broke up with me. But, It could improve my singing!" I say, trying to convince him, and myself, that I should stick by my original idea.

"You aspire to be Barbra Streisand and her nose is huge. So, I know that the singing is just an excuse so that you don't have to admit that your still in love with Finn, and him and Quinn don't belong together" He says, and I just look at him

"Listen, All I'm saying, Is that you don't need to change. You are amazing just the way you are. If your changing, that's only because you feel like you have to. But, no one else thinks that you need to change. If they think you need to change, that's their loss. Now I'm gonna go. Just, think about what I said, okay?" He says, and steps out of the girls bathroom. But I'm still wondering why he came to talk to me anyway. But, after a few seconds of thinking, I finally know who gave him the idea to talk to me.

A Few Minutes Later...

"Santana! Finn! We need to talk, now!" I say passing by their locker and heading towards the choir room. I hear their footsteps behind me. As I walk in, I turn around and they walk in behind me. As soon as the door closes, I don't hold back

"Where did you get the idea that Puckerman was going to change my mind? And where did you get the idea, that meddling in my decisions is a good idea!?" I yell

"Woah, Rachel calm down. What are you talking about?" Santana asks

"Sending Puckerman to do a job that you can't do. Convince me to not get this procedure." I say, and they look at me with guilty faces. "Why would you do that?!" I say frantic

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