Chapter 39- Original Songs

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2 weeks later...
Rachel's POV:

"Everybody, it's the moment that we've all been waiting for. Guys, this Saturday, is Regionals!" Mr. Shue says excitedly,and we all cheer. "But there is one thing we still haven't figured out. Our setlist. Now, I have a bunch of ideas but a lot of them really stick out of my mind. So, my first idea is a tribute to a band or singer" he says, and a couple of us say yes. "Ok, ok. The next idea is if we do one mashup of different songs." He says, and we all ooh and aah. "And finally, which is my favorite idea, is..... original songs!" He says, and my heart stops. Santana looks at me with a smile. "Now, Rachel, I know that you have some originals up your sleeve. Anything you wanna pitch to us?" He asks, and my heart skips a beat

"Um, no, not really. But, I can come up with one by Regionals" I say, and he smiles

"Great! I guess we're doing original songs!" He says, and we all cheer

"Okay. Everyone get thinking of songs, and then we will re-group, Okay?" Mr. Shue says, and we all nod. He claps his hands, and everyone gets their work out to start writing.

"What the hell Rachel?" Santana says, and it catches me by surprise

"What?" I say confused

"You have like 30 songs in your desk drawer!" She exclaims

"They're only 14 first of all, and second of all, those songs aren't ready yet" I say, and she glares at me

"You were all ready for us to sing them last year. Why the hesitation this year?" She asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. I guess I just, don't think that they're good enough for competition. Especially Regionals. The song has to be perfect." I say, and she scoffs

"Why? So that little miss princess over there can just have another excuse to come up and talk to you?" She says, and I look at her even more confused

"Santana, what do you mean? I'm just writing a new song" I say

"Yes, you are. But she's probably going to come over to you, ask what your songs about, it's most likely gonna be about Finn, and then she'll take it and use it for herself. Then, she'll be featured in Regionals" she says, and I realize that she does make a fair point

"But, I don't think that Quinn would do that" I say, and she puts her hand up in defense

"Hey, it's just what I think. And, what I've experienced" she says, and gets to writing. I look over at Quinn, and then look back at my paper. I close my notebook and walk towards Quinn

"Rachel what are you doing??" Santana whispers to me, but I'm already in front of Quinn

"Quinn, would you like to write a song with me for Regionals? With your experiences in pain and life in general, and my classic gift for knowing a melody, I think it would be a pretty good song" I say, and she is caught off guard

"Um, yeah. I guess so. I mean, what day is good for you?" She says. Wow. I can't believe she actually said yes.

"What about today? 5:00pm?" I ask, and she nods her head

"That's perfect" She says

"Okay. See you then" I say, and walk away. I sit down next to Santana again, and she just looks at me speechless

"What?" I ask giggling

"What the hell was that!?" She exclaims

"What was what?" I ask her

"Being all buddy buddy with Quinn. What was that? What are you planning, Berry?" She asks

"I'm not planning anything. I just think that we'd make a good song together. And, she won't be able to steal a good song from me" I say, and Santana puts her hand up. I high five it, and she smiles

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