Chapter 10- Total Eclipse Of The Heart

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1 month later..
Rachel's POV:

After all this time, we've finally started preparing for sectionals. We don't really know what we are going to do to be honest, but I hope Mr. Shue comes up with an amazing set list for us to use. We need to win. I've heard that if New Directions doesn't get a national championship, then we are done for. I can't let that happen. Us nobody's will really be nobody's. No one will even take the time to slushie us. And that takes like 2 seconds. I was at my locker before Glee Club when I see Quinn and Finn talking. Of course, I have to listen in. It's just a reflex thing

"Finn, please can we just talk about this" she says

"Quinn, I'm done with you. The only person I'm really comfortable with talking to right now is Rachel. She told me everything. About the slushies,about the threats, everything. I don't now how I ever dated you Quinn. Your a monster." He says

"Finn, please. If you'll just let me explain-"

"No. You slept with my best friend. That hurts. Big time. Bye Quinn" he says, and walks away

Quinn walks up to me

"You heard all of that. I know you did. I don't know what to do to win him back" she says

"Quinn, I'm going to be blunt. Do you really think you can win him back after this?" I say

"I need to try. It'll be hard, but I want him. I need him. Puck's been ridiculous with having me live at his house" she says

"What about your house?"

"My parents kicked me out. I was a disappointment to my father and I was kicked out. They found it a week ago and I've been staying at Puck's. It's a nightmare though." She says

"Well, my dad wouldn't allow it because he's been a little weird lately, but I'm sure that Lauren or Mercedes would take you in." I say

"No Kurt?" She says and laughs

"He's on his period right now, I swear. He's so moody. Me him and Mercedes have the same cycle. So he keeps track of it." I say

"What?" She says and laughs

"Nothing. It's complicated" I say, and laughs

"Well, how's Jessie?" She says

"He's good. He's understanding with a lot. My moods, my cravings, everything. He's been good" I say

"Don't let him hurt you Rachel. Other people really love you. Don't let him break you down." She says

"Don't worry Quinn. I've learned from my mistakes. He won't. I won't let him" I say

"That's my girl" she says

We were on our way to Glee Club when we saw Mr. Shue in his office talking to someone. He got up and shook their hand, and led him into the choir room

"You know who that is?" Quinn asks

"Nope. You?" I ask

"No idea." I say

We walk into the choir room and see everyone sitting their with their jaws basically down to the floor. I was confused until I saw him turn around. Here, standing in the choir room, was Jessie. I couldn't help myself. I ran up to him and hugged him. I gave him a kiss.

"What are you doing here?" I say

"Why, I transferred. I'm the newest member of the New Directions!" He says

"Really!?" I say, and jump into his arms

"As heart-warming as this is, really, I would like to know why he's here. He's our competition and he's probably lying. He's a damn spy" Santana says

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