Chapter 22- Keep Holding On Pt. 2

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Finn's POV:

"I lost the love of my life" I say to Ms. Pillsbury

"Um, the love of your life? Are you sure?" She says

"Yes. I've never felt so attached to someone. I feel like me and Rachel were meant to be. And now, she doesn't even know I exist. She doesn't remember anything. Not us dating, our first kiss, our first date, when we broke up. Nothing. And all because of a stupid comment the football guys wrote." I say

"What was the comment?" She asks me

"They commented that she was ugly" I say

"Well, that doesn't seem like much to send a person over the edge. Did anything else happen?" She asks

"I called her stupid. I said that I didn't have feelings for her anymore. And, with all the bullying and the anorexia thing, in perspective, I probably shouldn't have just said all the things I said."I say

"Well, what kind of bullying?"

"She's been pushed, called names, just that sort of stuff" I say

"Who? Who was harassing her?" She asks me, and I have no problem telling her who

"Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Dave Karofsky, all the cheerleaders, all the football players, Noah Puckerman" I say

"Ok. Well, Finn I think that I will talk to you tomorrow ok?" She says

"What about Rachel?" I ask

"I think that you should visit her daily, and bring memories. Try to remind her of what she used to be, and what she used to do. She'll remember shortly. Have a good day Finn" she says

"Thanks Ms. P" I say, and walk out f her office. I start to go towards the hospital, but not before stopping at the choir room to get our sectionals trophy. I figured that was one of the biggest things to try to jog her memory

Emma's POV:

"Hey Ms. P, what's up?" I hear Quinn say

"Nothing Quinn. Uh, here, have a seat. I wanna talk about some things" I say, and motion my hand towards the seat

"So, what do you what to talk about?" She asks me

"Rachel. I wanna talk about your friendship with her" I say

"Um, what about our friendship?" She says

"Before you and Rachel became really close friends, a little birdie told me that you weren't too nice to Rachel, were you?" I say

"No. No I wasn't." She says bluntly

"What did you do?" I say

"I didn't do anything." She says

"Quinn, you have a baby. We've seen from Rachel's miscarriage that stress is not good for the baby. So, tell me what happened. Whatever you tell me does not leave this room." I say

"I was mean to her, ok!? That's it!" She says, but I can tel that there's more

"When did the assaulting start?" I say

"What?" She says

"When you pushed Rachel. Why did you do it?" I say

"Because I was jealous! I was jealous of her! She was taking Finn, she was beautiful, she could sing, everything! She even had stable friends. I don't have that. Well, I didn't. Not until Rachel came around." She says to me, starting to cry

"Quinn, did Santana do this too?" I say

"Yes. She did. But we both changed for the better. We both became friends with her. Before she decided to do this to her" she says quickly

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