Chapter 24- When I Was Your Man

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1 week later...
Rachel's POV:

I was sitting outside of the choir room waiting for Sam. He promised we would walk in together holding hands, confirming that we were dating. It has been going on 3 days after he came to glee. He's just so sweet and kind, there was a spark. I really think that he's the one. Well, for now. But he's late. Soon enough, Glee Club was starting and I was going to be late. I was not being late, so I just walked in.

"Hey Rachel, where's Sam?" Kurt whispers to me. Kurt is the only one I've told about me and Sam

"He's late. He didn't show up. I guess he doesn't want us to be official" I say, upset. I really thought I had something with him

"Oh, maybe he just got caught up in something important" he says

"Yeah, more important then me. Or, maybe he just forgot about this and blew me off because he never liked me." I say

"Sam isn't like that. He's just been going through some things" he says

"And how would you know?" I say

"We talk" he replies

"Talk? As in, what?" I say, growing suspicious

"About his problems." He says. "Forget I said anything. I wasn't even supposed to tell you that" he says. Just then, Sam walks through the door

"Sam, your late, again" Mr. Shue says

"I'm so sorry, something happened" he says

"Like what? You've been late to every Glee practice since you've joined" he says

"I've just been busy" Sam says, getting annoyed. He sits next to me, and I try to hold his hand, but he pulls away

"What is your problem lately?" I say to him, and turn to face the white board

"I will tell you later. We cannot make it official now, I'm in too bad of a mood" he says

"If your in such a bad mood, then maybe you should sit next to your bestie, Kurt. Since you two have apparently been talking a lot" I say

"You told her??" Sam screams, and everyone looks at us, even Mr. Shue

"Sam, is there a problem?" He says

"No. No problem. Let's focus on Regionals" Sam says, and everyone slowly looks away as Mr. Shue begins talking again

"I trusted you Kurt." He says

"I didn't tell her anything. All I said was that you were going through some things and that we were talking about it. She doesn't know" he says back

"I don't know what?" I say. "If you can't trust me, then why are we dating? Secretly, I might add. Why? Because your new, and your shallow, and your scared it will hurt your rep or something?" I say

"No. I guess I'll have to explain it all to you later, but I will, ok?" He says

"That's not good enough for me. If you can tell Kurt over text message, you can tell me in person. And I should've known either way, unless your embarrassed to be seen with me or something. Why are we even keeping this secret?" I say, and he takes me by the arm and starts to lead me outside

"Hey, let go of her like that" Finn says, and rips Sam's arm off of me

"Stay out of this Finn" San says, and grabs my arm again

"I said, don't grab her like that" he says and tips Sam's arm off of me again

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Shue says

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