Chapter 43- Happy days are here again/get happy

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1 day later...
Finn's POV:

I feel so bad for Quinn. I know that my decision wasn't that easy for her, seeing how much she wanted to be prom queen, but I needed to do this for me. I couldn't just be a pawn for Quinn anymore. I needed to be truly happy, and I wasn't truly happy with Quinn, then I couldn't be with her anymore.

Yesterday night...

"So, have you made your decision yet?" Quinn asked me, standing on my doorstep

"Yeah, I have." I Say

"So What is it?" She asks

"Hold on, let's go in my car. It's raining out, and, you and Kurt aren't really the best of friends anymore" I say, and she sighs

"Fine. Let's go in your car" she says, and I grab my keys and we go into my car

"Finn, please. I don't wanna be played anymore. Now. Just tell me." She says while holding my hand

"Quinn, I love you. I really do, and always will. But, as a friend." I say, and I see her heart break through her eyes. "I chose to sing with Rachel" I say, and a tear falls from her face

"Thank you for telling me the truth. I needed to hear it. Just so me a favor?" She says

"Anything" I say sincerely

"Don't you ever, talk to me again" she says sternly, and gets out of the car and gets into hers and goes home. I sighed and payed back in my seat. I really hope that was the right decision.

Later in the night...
Rachel's POV:

I was in a deep sleep when all of a sudden someone pounded in my door. I woke up frightened, and then realized that my dads must just be home from their trip. That's weird. I thought that they brought their key. I walk downstairs towards the door, and look out of the window. I don't see my dads car, but I do see Finn's truck. I roll my eyes and open the door. I open it to see Finn standing there, soaking wet.

"Finn! Oh my god! Come in!" I exclaim, pushing him in my house. "What are you doing here? It's 12:00am!" I exclaim again

"I know. But I had to come and see you. Quinn just came to my house" he blurts out

"And you came to tell me that, why?" I ask confused

"Because I broke up with her" he says, and I look at him surprised

"You what!?" I exclaim

"I broke up with her. She said that it was either her, or you. And, I wanna sing songs with you Rachel. And I don't just wanna song songs. I wanna be with you Rachel. I want to go on-on dates, and I wanna  hold hands with you in the hallway, I want it all. I want to be with you, Rachel. If you'll give me the chance." He says, and I'm flustered. I mean, only a couple days ago he was saying that he's conflicted about his feelings, and today he broke up with Quinn and raced over to my house telling me he wants to be with me. I mean, how do I know that he's not gonna change his mind in a week and say he wants to be with Quinn again

"Finn, how do I know your not just gonna leave again? And be with Quinn, or someone else?" I ask

"Rachel, I promise you. That would never happen. Not again. I was stupid enough to let you go once, I'm not letting it happen again" He says, and comes closer to me

"Finn, I really don't know about this" I say

"Rachel, please just give me another chance" He says, and i sigh

"I trusted you the first time, Finn. How am i supposed to trust you now?" I ask him

"Let me take you to dinner. Let me prove to you that  you can trust me again, please." He pleads to me

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