Chapter 30- Better Places

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3 days later...
Choir Room
Rachel's POV:

Mr. Shuester called all of us into the choir room to have a little chat. I was walking to the choir room with Finn and Santana, and we hadn't seen Mr. Shue yet. We walked into the choir room to see that the black piano was back in the middle of the room.

"Um, guys, what's going on?" Finn asks

Mr. Shue then comes in with a huge smile on his face.

"Mr. Shue, what the hell is going on?" Puck says

"Guys, I have an AMAZING announcement!" He says

"Ok.... what is it?" I say

"Well, we've all had a pretty rough year, and a rough start to this one. So, I figured that some good news would be needed to cheer us up a bit!" He exclaims

"Mr. Shue, we've literally been waiting for like 2 minutes. What's your exciting news that's gonna turn all of our lives around?" Quinn says

"I'm glad you asked. You better put some smiles on, because, we got another year." he says calmly, and we all just look around surprised. We then look at Mr. Shue, and he has the biggest smile on his face

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" I exclaim, and then the room turns into an uproar of people cheering and screaming happily. After we all calmed down, Santana asked the question that all of us were thinking.

"How? How'd you get us another year?" She asks

"Well, I didn't. Sue did." He says, and we all look at him with confused faces

"Sue?" Santana asks, and he nods

"But, why would she do that?" Quinn says

"Yeah, she hates us" Tina says. Wow, it's still so weird to hear her not stuttering

"Well, she said she needed some healthy competition this year to keep her and her Cheerios on top of their game. But, I also think that it's because she saw your guys' performance for me in the auditorium last year." He says laughing to himself a little

"I still think it's weird" Brittany says

"Guys, perk up! We got another year!" I exclaim, and we all group hug. I look at Mr. Shue, and ask one last important question

"Can we?" I ask

"Of course" he says. "Hand in guys." He adds. We all smile and put our hands in

"1, 2, 3, amazing!" We all day, and we all smile. It finally, felt like home.


I was out with all the glee kids having some dinner at breadstix when I got home. I texted my dads, so they knew I would be home a little later then expected. I said goodbye to Finn, gave him a kiss, and then ran over to my door. I got my key out, and opened the door. All of the lights were off in the house, but my dads' car was home, so I just figured that they were asleep from getting back from their trip. When I walked in, I saw the last person I thought I'd ever see again.

"Hey, Rachel. I came to see you" she said, and I boiled up inside

"What are you doing here, Shelby?" I asked coldly

"I came here to see you. I came here so that you could see Beth." She says, and goes to the couch and shows me a sleeping Beth right on it

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