Chapter 40- Regionals P. I

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The Next Day...
Rachel's POV:

"Okay guys! C'mon! Get on the bus!" Mr. Shue yells, and we all get on the bus. I sit next to Sam, and Santana sits next to Brittany. We sat across from each other, and San and I sat on the outsides so that we could still talk. The last person we were waiting for was Ms. Pillsbury

"Mr. Shue, we have to go. We can't wait forever" Mercedes says

"Just two more minutes" He says, and we all see Ms. Pillsbury running out of the school

"See? Told you guys!" Mr. Shue says excitedly, and we all groan

"Mr. Shue, when are you and Ms. Pillsbury making it official?" Santana asks, and Mr. Shue looks at her confused

"What do you mean Santana?" He asks

"Oh c'mon Mr. Shue. We all know that you and Ms. Pillsbury, like, love each other. You guys should just date already" Quinn says, and he sighs as Ms. Pillsbury comes and the bus and we all smile

"C'mon. Let's go to Regionals!" Mr. Shue says excitedly, and the bus starts

Halfway there...
Finn's POV:

"Hey, Finn. You okay?" Quinn asks me as I stare off into space

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm just a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." I Say, completely lying. I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night. I was perfectly fine. What I was really thinking about was Rachel. I would look at her from time to time, and at some points, I caught her looking at me too. I was so conflicted with my feelings. I didn't wanna go back with Rachel after what she did, but, I still loved her. I don't think I EVER loved Quinn. I think I just told myself I loved her because I was so hurt by Rachel.

"Finn, what's really wrong?" Quinn asks me. I should've known that Quinn isn't that stupid. She knows me better then that.

"Quinn, I'm just, upset. I don't really know about what, but I'm just upset. Please drop it" I ask as nicely as I can, and she nods with a sympathetic look. I hate that I'm lying to her. She doesn't deserve to be lied to, but I can't tell her that I'm conflicted with my feelings. That would break her heart. This whole situation is just confusing.

Rachel's POV:

"So, Sam. How's everything going with Quinn?" I ask him, knowing that he's been trying to get closer to her

"Well, I mean, things went pretty well before we left earlier" he says

Earlier today...
Sam's POV:

"Okay Quinn. Before we leave, we have got to get these steps down" I Say, and she nods

"Okay. From the top" she says, and the music starts

You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me

And then I see Quinn trip and almost fall off the stage, but I catch her by her hand and pull her close to me

"Are you Okay?" I ask her, our faces inches apart

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me" She says, neither of us moving

I start to move in closer and so does she, but then I feel her pull away and look away

"Sam, I-"

"No. No, don't worry about it. Your with Finn. I shouldn't have tried anything" I say, and go to walk out of the auditorium

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