Chapter 12- True Colors

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Finn's POV:

"Rachel! Rachel please! I'm sorry!" I scream running after her

"Stop it Finn. I wanna be alone" she says, still running

"I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted us!" I scream

"Things change Finn." She says, and walks out of McKinley

I couldn't wrap my head around it. Rachel has had a thing for me since middle school,and now that she has me, she doesn't want me. I'm practically throwing myself at her, and it's not working. I don't know what to do now.

The Next Day..
Rachel's POV:

I don't know how I'm gonna face Finn after yesterday. He kissed me! Finn Hudson kissed me! I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. And I pulled away! I completely didn't want it! I don't like Jessie anymore, nothing else is in the way of this. Other then the fact that my baby just died. Yeah, that's a deal breaker. I miss her so much. She would've liked Finn. She would've loved Jessie too. Oh she would've had such a good life. Oh, now I'm crying. I'm standing in front of McKinley, and I honestly don't want to go in. I feel someone walking behind me, so I wipe my tears and start walking into McKinley. That was a big mistake though. Not even two seconds later of me walking into school, I can taste the grape slushie that hits my face. I can hear Karofsky and some of the football team laugh at me. I wipe the slushie from my eyes to see them push Kurt up against the lockers. Well, Karofsky pushed him up against the lockers. All the other neanderthals just watched and laughed. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. Me and Kurt have been friends for so long, and yet he's never told me about this. I've had enough of it.

"Hey Karofsky!" I scream, and walk towards him

"What do you want, Yentil?" He says. Huh, must've gotten that one from Santana

"Stop pushing around Kurt. It's not fair to him. Stop picking on him. He's never done anything to you, stop doing things to him" I say

"You don't know what the hell your talking about" he says

"Actually, I do" I said

"Really? Tell me what happened then" he says, getting up in my face

"You pushed him up against the lockers. And I wanna know why. And I want you to stop." I say

"It's because I'm gay, Rachel. He's a homophobe." Kurt says, picking up his books

"Seriously? Your that ignorant that you can't deal with other people being themselves?" I say

"I don't care that he's gay. I care that he rubs it in my face. It gets very annoying when I'm walking down the hall and I can see a trail of sparkles from where he walked" he says

"Dave Karofsky, you are the worst human being I've ever met. Your ignorant. You don't care about other people's feelings. You aren't the best player on the football team. Actually, you aren't a good player at all. And you know what? I can say all of that because one, it's true. And two, I'm a girl. So, you'd just be a straight up ass if you pushed or hit me" I say

"Your lucky your a girl, Berry." He says, getting closer to me. At this point, there was a crowd. A really, really big crowd. And I couldn't believe that not one person from the football team didn't back me up.

"Why?" I say, then whisper in his ear. "Because I know that you wouldn't fall for me?" I whisper, and pull away

"What the hell are you talking about?" He says

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