Chapter 32- Stone Cold

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2 days later...
Rachel's POV:

I can't stomach them. They sit together, they flirt with their eyes, they do everything. Finn rarely texts me. The most he'll text me is asking what the homework is, and he did that Sophomore year when we sat next to each other in Spanish. Speaking of, we've switched around our seats. I now sit next to Santana, and Finn and Quinn sit next to each other. I casually look over at them every now and them and see them exchanging flirty looks. Between just the last two days, I've seen them hold hands! Insane! He is supposed to be holding my hand, no hers. I stopped being Quinn's friend as soon as I saw the hearts. But, I think o stopped being Finn's girlfriend in the exact same moment.

"Rachel!" Santana whispers

"What?" I say annoyed

"Your staring at them again" she says, an I quickly look at my desk. I'm embarrassed that Santana saw me staring, but what can I say? I can't help it.

"Rachel, you have gotta confront Finn and Quinn about this." She says to me

"San, it's easier if I don't confront them." I say sternly

"How? This is killing you, Rachel Berry. More than you think." She says, and I just shrug it off. the bell rings, and I walk out, not waiting for Finn OR Santana. And, especially not Quinn. Lauren and Mercedes don't really know what's going on, but I don't wanna tell them. My life isn't some gossip that I want going around the school. If I tell anyone else but Santana, I am almost positive it would get out from our little group of friends. But I've noticed that every single time that Quinn is on the Cheerios, she is always a nasty, sneaky person. She just doesn't notice that she is. I get to my locker and hear them talking near Quinn's locker. Of course, I have to snoop. I lean my head a little towards the edge of my locker, and listen in to their conversation

"Finn, this isn't right" she says

"What isn't right?" He asks confused

"Us. What we have." She says, and I feel my world around me crumble

"Quinn, what do we have? A friendship?" He asks

"Finn, quit being stupid. Sending each other hearts, holding hands, flirting, being on the phone for hours at a time? It's wrong" she says

"Quinn, what are you talking about? We're just friends" he says

"Oh my god Finn! It's obvious that we still have feelings for each other!" She raises her voice

"I don't have feelings for you, Quinn" he says

"Finn, you sent the hearts back. We've been flirting and you can't deny it. Cause you do. Finn, figure out who you love." She says, and I hear her go to walk away

"Quinn, I love you." He says, and my heart breaks. As the eavesdropper I am, I take out my phone and start to record.

"What?" She says

"I love you, Quinn Fabray. Probably always will." He says, and I try to hold back my tears for the sake of the video, and for my own sake

"Finn, what about Rachel?" She asks

"I love her too. I think. But, lately, I haven't felt anything with her. Just like sophomore year. There's a reason we broke up. To be honest, I think I just got back with her because I felt responsible. I felt like it was my fault and I needed to make it up to her" he says, and my heart breaks even more

"Finn, don't say that" she says

"Quinn, please give me another chance. We may be able to fix everything that happened to us last year. Please, give me a chance" he says

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