Chapter 9- Smile

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Rachel's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since basically the whole school found out that I was pregnant. My da-, um, LeRoy, still hasn't come back. And at this point, I don't think he ever will. I feel like I'm responsible for it. If I wasn't so stupid, I wouldn't be in this mess. Me and Nessie have also been amazing. We have been seeing each other a lot. We have dinner with my dad a lot and he's just so sweet. No one at McKinley knows I'm dating him again. Yet! Because I know what they'll say. They'll say that I am stupid for going back to him and that I should move on. But, how am I supposed to move on from the father of my child? It's a hard thing to do. I feel like Jessie has an obligation to be here, and he's here anyway. Right now, I was getting ready to go to school when Jessie came in the door

"There's my girl" he says

I smile and kiss him when he walked over

"How's my little princess?" He asks

"I'm good" I say and look at him jokingly. "Oh, you meant this little princess!" I say laughing "she's doing amazing" I say

He puts his hand on my stomach

"Has she kicked yet?" He asks

"No, not yet. But I think that she's just getting ready to give me the ultimate kick." I say laughing again

"You still need a ride to school?" He asks

"Yes I do. You wouldn't mind driving me would you?" I say jokingly

"No, of course not. After you m'lady." He says, and points to my bedroom door

I kiss my dad goodbye, and I go towards Jessie's car.

"Here ya go" he says and opens the door for me

"Why thank you" I say, and get in

He walks around the car and goes to the drivers side

"Jessie, aren't you not old Enough to drive?" I say

"I've been learning to drive ever since I was 2. I can drive" he says

And he was right. He made every turn right, completed every little stop he had to make, and used the turn signals right. He was actually a really good driver

"Ever thought of becoming a race car driver? Cause you could do it" I say

"Really, I've had my heart set out in preforming" he says

"Well if that doesn't work out, you should become a race car driver. It seems like a natural talent you have" I say

"Thanks. I love how much you believe in me" he says to me

"Well one of us has to dream bigger then you right?" I say

He laughs and starts to drive.

We get to McKinley with 10 minutes to spare. I kiss him goodbye and run into school. As I finish up at my locker, the bell rings. I run into Spanish and Mr. Shue looks at me and sighs

"Take a seat Rachel" he says, and smiles. I guess he knows why I've been late to classes, well, sometimes.

I take my seat next to Lauren and I actually pay very close attention to the lesson. I was engaged in it. I don't know what happened, but I think that telling Glee Club that I was pregnant was a good idea. I feel, almost, free.

After Spanish....
Rachel's POV:

I was at my locker getting everything ready for my next class when Quinn came up to me

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