Chapter 3- Take A Bow

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Rachel's POV:

I think the Pep Rally went really well. We sold the glee club as it should have been sold. As a family, who sticks up for each other, even if it means being embarrassed. I liked that they surprised me like that. But I could tell that it wasn't all of their idea. It was Finns. He's just a good person like that. He likes to help people. He has a heart of gold. Oh my god! Rachel, stop! No! I can't fall for him. Quinn is his girlfriend. He would never take a step-down from her to me. Unless, unless I quit Glee Club and join the Cheerios. Without a word to Quinn. If Sue was the only one. No. I couldn't. Not after what they did for me. Oh well. It only seemed so good for so long. Anyway, when I walked into school today, I never had a slushee thrown in my face. Well, yet. It's usually when I arrive at school, or when I'm at my locker. Either way, it's bound to happen. I start walking to my first period class when I hear Quinn talking to some guy. I recognize him. He has a Mohawk and he's Jewish. Of course. It's Puck. But why was she talking to Puck? I guess it's none of my business. It's just that, she never talks to him. So of course, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. I know it's wrong, but I couldn't help myself.

"When are you gonna tell him?" I hear Puck say in a serious voice

"Tell him what Puck?" Quinn says back

"Tell him that this kid isn't his" I hear him whisper

I'm shocked. Are you kidding me? Quinn is pregnant? And Finn isn't even the father? Are you kidding me?

"I'm never telling him. This baby will come out with a Mohawk and I'll swear that it's Finns" I hear her say

"You know that we are meant to be. You know for a fact that neither of us will give a crap about Finn in 3 years. Just be with me"

"No Puck. I love him"

"Then why'd you sleep with me?"

"Because you got me drunk on wine coolers! That's why!"

I see Quinn walk away, towards my direction. I try to turn away in time, but it's too late. She saw me

"Berry!" I hear her scream

I try to ignore her, but it's no use. She's seen me

"Berry, I know you can hear me"

"What, Quinn?" I say with as little interest as possible

"How much of that conversation did you hear?" She asks

"I don't know what your talking about Quinn." I try to sound convincing

"You speak a word of that to Finn, you don't wanna know what I'll do to you." She threatens. Then, she walks away.

I'm terrified. I know that I should tell Finn. It's the right thing to do. But if I do, Quinn will have my head. And I don't think that's a joke. I'm so conflicted. If Finn finds out that I knew and I didn't tell him, it'll break his heart. I have no idea what to do. I know. I'll ask Kurt and Mercedes. They all have pretty good advice most of the time.


Rachel🌟: Guys. S.O.S. Meet somewhere. Found out something. Need help.

Mercedes👑: Why would we help you?

Kurt😈: Yeah, after all of the lies you've told us? After the rumors you've told?

Rachel🌟: What? What are you guys talking about? What rumors?

Mercedes👑: You know exactly what you did Rachel. Don't play dumb.

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