Chapter 21- Let Her Go

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{10 minutes later...}

Finn's POV:

We get to the hospital and I run in, not waiting for anyone. When I get in, I look into the waiting room expecting to see Rachel's dads. Instead, I see no one. What did hey say on the phone?

"Ya know, it would be a lot easier if you would've just waited for us Finn." I hear Kurt say

"Yeah, we are all anxious to see her." Santana says

"We fought. Our last conversation wasn't sweet, it wasn't loving. It was brutal, and sad, and we fought. Your last conversation with her was probably beautiful. I have to live everyday knowing that if she dies, my last words to her would be 'What does that mean?' And I knew what she meant too." I say

"Finn, what the hell are you talking about? Is this abut when you called her stupid?" Santana asks me

"It was that day. When you guys left, I was still in the choir room. And Rachel asked me if I had any feelings for her, and I said I didn't know. That It didn't feel special anymore. And then she said that it was all she needed to know, and then like the idiot I am, I asked what it meant. And that's when she said that we were done. And then one of the guys on the football team took my phone and wrote that stupid comment. And, of course she thought it was me." I say

"Finn, why didn't you just delete the comment?" Kurt says

"Because I wasn't thinking at the time. I thought that Rachel wouldn't have thought it was me."

"Well it was from your account you idiot what is she supposed to think?!" Santana yells

"San, we're in a hospital. Stop screaming" Kurt says to her

"I don't care. This idiot didn't think about anyone but himself. And I'm gonna make sure he can't hurt any of my friends again!" She screams, and comes at me with a fist. Luckily, Kurt held her back. "Kurt, let me go". She says with a stern voice

"No. You are going to sit down, and we are gonna wait until we get some answers. Now sit." He says, pushing her into the chair. She sits down, but I can tell she isn't happy about listening to Kurt.

"Santana, what was going on with Rachel? She wouldn't tell me, but I could tell something was up. What was it?" I ask

"You don't have a damn right to know" she says, still looking in don't of her, and not making eye contact with me

"Santana, I think we should tell him. I think he should know." Kurt says

"Why? So that he can treat her differently? He has no idea what it's like to be alone and go through that. I do. I should comfort her about it. Not him." She says angrily, and I can see tears forming in her eyes

"Santana, your troubles are over now. You don't do it anymore. Rachel was still doing it. There was nothing you could've done to stop it." Kurt says

"I bet you that she did it that night. The last night she was going to be alive, I bet you that she did it." Santana says

"Did what? Now, I'm pissed. Tell me." I say, getting really angry with my brother and Santana

"Finn, I don't think we should do it when your this a-"

"Shut it Kurt. Unless your gonna tell me what was going on with Rachel, I don't wanna hear it." I say

"She was puking Finn. For weight. She was starving herself at times, and puking. Throwing up. Hurling. She was bulimic." Santana says to me, and I feel my whole crashing down for a second time.

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