Chapter 17- Best Friends Forever

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The Next Day..
Rachel's POV:

I had no idea what to do. I didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to stay in my bed for the whole entire day. After meeting my mom yesterday, and having that huge fight with my parents, there was no use in doing anything. The only person that really talked to me after yesterday is Finn. We talked all last night. But of course, that ended in a fight. I just don't know why my life can't get better at this point. I just want a break.


"Hi Rachel, I know that you read the note, but I wanted to introduce myself formally. I'm Shelby. I'm your mom" she says to me. "It's so nice to finally meet you"

"I-I-Uh, I don't k-know what to say" I say, stammering my words because I couldn't comprehend that this woman was standing across from me

"I know it's hard to understand. But, I just want you to know that you can ask me anything" she says. "Anything you want?" She asks me

"Water" I say

"Water?" Shelby asks

"Water" I say sternly. "When I was upset as a child, my dads would bring water to me so that I could stop crying, and so that I would calm down" I say

"I'm sorry Rachel. I don't think I can do this" she says, and starts to walk away

"What? Are you kidding me?" I say

"I can't do this. Your reminding me of my biggest regret. I couldn't watch you grow up, Rachel. That hurts so much. I missed your life" she says wiping tears, and starts to walk away again

"You know what? Fine. Walk away, again. Walk out of my life. Get rid of me. I've always wanted to meet you, Shelby. I've always wanted to have a relationship with my mother. But I can't even call you that. I can't call you a mother because you would never have said you couldn't do this. You would've tried harder. Have a nice life Shelby." I say, and walk away

"Rachel, I-"

"No. I don't wanna hear any excuse at this point. We tried and it didn't work. Goodbye Shelby" I say, and walk out of the auditorium sobbing

(End Of Flashback)

Should I get up? I've already missed second period. I really don't see the point now. My dads left for their business trip at 5:00 this morning, and didn't say goodbye. They would never know I didn't go. Maybe I could just take a day off. Avoid Finn. Avoid everything.


I rushed home. I wanted to be there so badly. I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. I didn't want to deal with the hurt. I walked into my house and saw both of my dads sitting on the couch

"Hey da-" I go to say, but thy cut me off

"Where were you Rachel? We were worried sick. You didn't come home after Glee so we thought you went out with Finn, or your friends" my dad says

"But when we called all of them, they had no idea where you were" my daddy adds

"I was just hanging out in the auditorium, in sorry. I should've called to let you know but it was pretty hectic" I say

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