Chapter 13- The Only Exception

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Finn's POV:

Winning Rachel over is so much harder then I thought. She is so stubborn, and doesn't listen to me when I tell her that I wanna be with her. Instead, she's finding every excuse not to be with me. It gets so frustrating, but at the same time, I still love her. There's something about her that makes me just wanna run up to her and kiss her.

"Finn, what's the answer to 27?" Mr. Shue says, and snaps me out of my thoughts

"Huh? What was the question?" I say

"27? On the homework?" He says

"Uh, the answer would be..." I say, and see Rachel push her paper towards me so that I can see the answer

"The answer is C" I say

"Correct. And here I was thinking you weren't paying attention." He says, and laughs to himself

Me and Rachel smile at each other and we high five below the desk so that no one sees that I wasn't really paying attention. I mean, it wouldn't be that big of a surprise to be honest. I never pay attention in any of my classes. I'm surprised I'm even passing at this point. I've done no work, I haven't done any homework, my work is always late, and yet I'm still maintaining my C's in every class. And I really don't think that it's because the teachers like me, because they give me an attitude every time I talk. Well, except Mr. Shue. He understands me because of Glee Club. I'm so glad that Club happened. It got me out of a horrible relationship, and made me realize who I really have feelings for. Rachel. Ugh, somehow, every single one of my thoughts always goes back to her. I need to find a way to win her over. It's killing me not to hold her hand. I just have to play it cool, and hope for the best. But with Rachel, that's really all you can do.

After Spanish...
Rachel's POV:

I have such problems. I'm standing here, at my locker with my best friends, and all I can think about is Finn. I'm practically ignoring every conversation we're having and just catch myself staring at him like he's Barbara Streisand. I can't help myself. I really think I love him. He's just so sweet, and kind, and funny. He's also proven multiple times that he's caring. But, I don't wanna be the rebound girl. I wanna be the girl he loves. The girl he looks forward to seeing everyday. The girl that he misses as soon as  she leaves his sight. I need that. Not just some girl he'll forget about in a couple days and go back to Quinn. I just don't know what to do

"Hey, Diva. Quit staring. It's getting weird" I hear Kurt say

"What? I wasn't staring" I say

"Yeah, sure. You weren't staring at Finn a few minutes ago?" Mercedes says

"No. No, I wasn't." I say

"Rachel, we know you. You like him." Lauren says

"Why don't you just go for him?" Mercedes says

"Because of everything, Mercedes. My dad leaving, finding out I was pregnant, Karofsky getting all up in my face, losing Shelby just a few days ago, Jessie leaving me at the hospital, I mean, my life is a mess. He doesn't want me. He just wants a girl to go to because of Quinn, and I don't wanna be a rebound girl." I say

"Rachel, Finn completely has the hots for you. Why can't you see that?" Kurt says

"Your starting to sound like him" I say annoyed

"Well then I guess he agrees with us" Mercedes says, and walks away

"Bye Diva" Kurt says

"See ya later Berry" Lauren says

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