Chapter 42- No More Songs With Her!

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1 week later...
Rachel's POV:

It's been a week since Finn told me that he still loves me, and I still don't know what to think. I mean, the entire time that he's been with Quinn now is a lie. I can't keep this secret any longer. I know how it feels when a boyfriend is keeping secrets from you. I mean, he kinda did the same thing to me. I'm just so confused on how I'm supposed to feel. I mean, we just came off of an amazing win at regionals, but then Finn suddenly tells me that he still likes me. No, not just likes. Loves. That's insane! I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what he meant when he said he still has feelings for me. I didn't even wanna go to glee club today because I wanted to avoid the awkwardness, but Mr. Shue called an emergency meeting of the Glee Club a half an hour earlier then we usually start. I was in front of the choir room, and I looked through the door to see no one there. I then looked at the email again, and it indeed said a half an hour earlier. I walked in and went into Mr. Shues office. He wasn't there either.

"Hello? Mr. Shue?" I call out, but no one answers

I then hear the door open, and do a sharp turn around to see Finn

"Hey, you got that email too right?" He asks me, and I nod

"Where's everybody else?" he asks me

"I have no idea. I guess everybody else is a little late" I say, and go to put my stuff near my chair

"Or, it's because they didn't get the email at all" he says, and I look at him confused

"Finn, what are you talking about? Of course they got it. Mr. Shue said in the email that he sent it to everyone in Glee so that we didn't need to spread the word" I say, and he laughs

"Rachel, I sent that email" he says, and I glare at him. While glaring, I walked up to him and hit him in the arm


"that's what you get for making me come here so early! Why are we even here so early!?" I yell

"You haven't talked to me since Regionals! I thought that some talking was needed after what was said!" He yells back

"What was said, was that you still had feelings for me. Meanwhile, your still with Quinn!" I yell back at him, and he looks at the ground

"I'm just conflicted, Rachel" he says

"Being conflicted isn't good enough, Finn! Why did you tell me to come here if all you were gonna do was talk about what you said?" I ask annoyed. He walks closer.

"Because I thought that this would confirm my feelings" he says, and kisses me. I was surprised at first, but then I depend the kiss. I then realized what I was doing, and pulled away

"Finn, what the hell was that!?" I yell

"I needed to know! I'm sorry!" He yells back

"You just cheated on Quinn" I say

"I know" he replies

"With me" I add

"Yep." He finishes

"Finn, what the hell are we doing? I mean, every time we get together, we're split up. I mean, maybe I'm not meant to be in a loving relationship. Or any relationship at all" I say, and go to walk away but Finn grabs my hand

"Rachel, please. I just don't know what to do" He says

"Make up your mind about your feelings. Then, maybe, we'll talk." I Say, and walk out of the choir room

Half an hour later...
Finn's POV:

I know in my heart who I love now. I don't know why I didn't see it before I kissed Rachel, but I do now. I can't be with Quinn. I can't be. I can't be with someone who I don't love anymore. I don't think I ever even loved Quinn. I think I was just distant with Rachel and me and Quinn were just becoming friends so it was easy to feel those butterflies again. But, I don't want butterflies. When I was with Rachel, I felt complete. I didn't feel alone anymore. It's like Rachel's a missing piece of my puzzle and I need her. I don't wanna feel butterflies. I wanna feel completed.

"Okay everyone. I wanna congratulate all of you on your win at Regionals!" He says, and we all cheer

"But, it's now time to rehearse for Nationals! We are gonna have to work hard and long but I know that you can do it! And I hope that you believe in yourselves as much as I believe in you. Because with all oft faith plus yours, we are going to win Nationals!" He says, and we all cheer louder

"Okay. Talk amongst yourselves and when I come back from my office, there better be some ideas for what to do for Nationals" he says, and walks away

"Babe, I really think that we should do a duet. I mean, it would get so much love. And if we sing a loving song, then maybe we'll even win prom king and queen!" She says excitedly

"All you've talked about since we won regionals is prom. Why?" I ask her

"Well, because I'm excited. And, because we are almost definitely winning prom queen and king!" She says even more excited

"Is that all this is to you? A campaign so that you could win?" I ask her annoyed

"What do you mean?" She asks confused

"Is the only reason that your dating me is to win prom king and queen?" I ask her

"What? Finn, honey, of course not! Why would you even think such a thing!" She exclaims

"It's just all you talk about. We don't make plans, we don't hang out, all you talk about is prom and I'm forced to listen to you" I say, and she gets taken back

"You know what? Let me go get Mr. Shue. I think I know the perfect song to sing right now." She says, and walks into Mr. Shues office.

"Okay everyone. Quinn and Finn would like to sing a song!" He says excitedly, and I look at Quinn confused. The music starts, and I roll my eyes and stand up.

I don't wanna know the reasons why love keeps
Right on walking on down the line
I don't wanna stand 'tween you and love, honey
I just want you to feel fine
I don't wanna know the reasons why love keeps
Right on walking on down the line
I don't wanna stand 'tween you and love, honey
I just want you to feel fine

Finally, baby
The truth has come down now
Take a listen to your spirit
It's crying out loud
Tryin' to believe
Oh, you say you love me, but you don't know
You got me rockin' and a-reelin'
Oh, oh, yeah

I don't wanna know the reasons why love keeps
Right on walking on down the line
I don't wanna stand 'tween you and love, honey
I just want you to feel fine
I don't wanna know the reasons why love keeps
Right on walking on down the line
I don't wanna stand 'tween you and love, honey
I just want you to feel fine
Finally, baby
The truth has been told
Now you tell me that I'm crazy
It's nothing that I didn't know
Tryin' to survive
Oh, you say you love me, but you don't know
You got me rockin' and a-reelin'
Hey, you know what you do
Ohhh yeah...

I don't wanna know the reasons why love keeps
Right on walking on down the line
I don't wanna stand 'tween you and love honey
Take a little time

I don't wanna know

"Um, guys. I think it's a great song, but maybe try to smile a bit more?" Mr. Shue says, and I nod

"I think it was a great duet, but you guys genuinely don't look happy when your singing together. Maybe we should go with the tradition of Finn and I singing the duet at competitions" Rachel says

"Oh, oh I get it now." Quinn says. "The real reason your acting up isn't because of me, or prom, or being king and queen. It's because, of her" she says, and looks at Rachel. Rachel looks at Quinn confused, and so do I

"Quinn, What are you talking about?" I ask her

"It's because of her. You still like Rachel, so you don't wanna be with me anymore" she says tearing up

"Quinn, let's not have this talk h-"

"No. No, we don't ever have to have this talk. On one condition." She says. "You don't sing with her" she says

"What!? Quinn, you can't be serious right now" I exclaim

"I'm dead serious. If you still want to date me, no more songs with her." She says, and walks out. I look at Rachel, and then look back at the door. I don't know why, but this was one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make.

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